Monday, March 26, 2012

A Farm Visit

Last week, as I mentioned, was Springbreak and after a couple days of fun with Daddy, the kids were whisked off to the farm for fun with Grandma B! Below are the pictures of them all ready to go. 

Could she be more excited?  Here she is in her new obsessively favorite dress (from Kicky Pants, of course) and with her toy companion of choice--- often named "purple baby"?  She specifically requested a pre-trip photo with her favorites-- have I mentioned how obsessed she is with this incredibly soft dress?  Seriously.

B got in on the action with a picture of his toy of choice - the Darth Vader Transformer from Granddaddy. Ultimately, this toy did not make the trip as it broke into pieces in the driveway and had to stay home (don't worry, he had others).  It was easily reassembled later, but very prone to falling apart so we decided it would stay with me.  

I, of course, missed out on the farm fun and spent most of the time they were away working or researching new cars.  Happily, my Mom chronicled their visit here and here for your enjoyment!

This is probably the last time in a long while Brent and I will be home together for two nights in a row. I'm not sure we fully took advantage of it, but did have some nice meals out and serious talks about cars, and next steps.  Meanwhile, a huge thanks to Able and Mom for watching over them for 2.5 days which I'm sure was exhausting for everyone. We so appreciate it though!
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1 comment:

Debra Dotter Blakley said...

It was and always is such a joy to spend time with your children, especially here on the farm where they are completely free to wander and explore to their hearts content. This space was made to be enjoyed and their being here brings it to life for me.


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