Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 12 on the 12th

I could have sworn all day I had way too many pictures, but again ended up with just the right amount that were good for including.  It is fascinating.

In any case, on with the story from upper left moving right and down:

  1. Lady M woke up a bit early today and thus B didn't quite get his morning video game time.  They compromised and watched Wonder Pets while I took a shower.
  2. After Wonder Pets, it was time to play with our collection of random Star Wars figures in their room. B has a system, but M doesn't quite "get" it (or perhaps doesn't care).  In any case, he carefully explains Star Wars spacecraft and figures to us both.
  3. Time for School!  Here is B with his two besties.  There is a bit less of B in today's collage as he was at a play date with his buddy Preston all afternoon and into the evening.  They loved it and much video game time was had by all. 
  4. Our new minivan, waiting as I picked up M from school and gave B one more hug pre-playdate.
  5. Iris - from this morning's post. 
  6. Once I discovered that B was going on an outing, I reserved M and I a time for tea at Inspirations Tea Room.  She was such a big girl in a fancy place.  We were the only ones there so a bit more freedom.  Fascinatingly, she gave me all the extra silverware and seemed confused about the 2 forks concept.  She also did an amazing job sharing her plate of treats with me and trying every bit!
  7. She had the "Prince Charming" plate and I had fruit and scones.  She opted for pink lemonade in her tea pot rather than real tea, which I thought was just perfect.   The banana nut scones with lemon curd were definitely the tastiest part. 
  8. Me and baby brother in the mirror at Inspirations Tea Room mirror. 
  9. Obviously after a fancy tea you need dessert (we could have had some there, but she was getting restless). We drove over to cupcakes to GoGo and had just a bit more sugar :)
  10. Back at home, we did our yoga together and waited for Daddy (Surprisingly, or not, no pictures of maternity yoga time).  When he arrived and had played a bit, he made egg sandwiches for himself and M (I had a smoothie). They were both excited to try the new toaster that had arrived earlier.  (Our last one had been a wedding present and basically completely stopped working.  In fairness, it was nearly 11 years old!)
  11. Book time!  B returned to the scene for bath and books and just a few minutes with Daddy before Brent had to go back to work and the kids hand to go to bed. 
  12. My sweet sleepy B.  This seemed like the perfect way to end the day!
How was your day?   

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