Friday, April 13, 2012

Five on Friday

1.  Remember the discussion of M's favorite kicky pants dress?  Of course she wiped her wet fingernails on this dress shortly thereafter.  We tried any stain remover tricks we could think of and nail polish remover to no avail.  After some Googling, I discovered Lift Off Remover 3.  It wasn't available locally that I could find so I ordered it from Amazon and was AMAZED. As instructed, I put a paper towel behind the stain and dripped the fluid onto the stains.  It just dripped out the back.  I just kept drippping and occasionally dabbed it and then, it was gone.  It was surprising and wonderful.  The pack I bought has two of their other stain removers, including one for crayon, so it will be interesting to see if those work as well.

2.  We, clearly, already have a tooth fairy pillow, but the awesome tooth fairy pillows, pennants and art at Sparkle Power are definitely worth a look for those that haven't joined the tooth fairy ranks yet or those ready to decorate the kids rooms a bit more.  (And yes, I do happen to think Sparkle Power is an awesome name for a shop).

3. I am the source of the primary income in our house, and do that while also working part time and having extra time with our kids.  I am lucky enough to have that very special mix of mom time and attorney time and cherish that I have those choices.  Brent and I have consistently chosen jobs that make us happy and keep us with lots of time as a family.  Luckily, our particular career paths/education currently make that possible, and we recognize that may not always be the case, and that we may have to make different choices to support each other and our family.  That said, they are our choices and we 100% respect and admire the choices others are making for themselves and their families even if they wildly different than our own.  Different setups just work for different people and different families and that is awesome.  Liz at Mom-101 has, again, stated this the best in her recent blog post that is great for all Mom's, Dad's and the families and communities that support them.
4.  I had a few bumps in my work week and had been struggling there and elsewhere in my life with not being "perfect" at things I cared about.   Just as I was pondering how to deal with it when I came upon this post from Lisa featuring the above John Steinbeck Quote.  I'm not sure why having it stated so plainly by someone else helps, but it truly does.  So now, I'm back to working at being good -- good as an attorney, mom, crafter, wife, daughter, sister, friend, etc.... Good I can, most definitely do. (I think).

5.  I'm missing some of my buddies this week and happened upon the awesome quote above.  I feel so lucky to have several friends to whom this perfectly applies.  Starting soon, I'll get to see some of them again, but for those I'm still missing, know I'm always here and always living in our friendship even if we're apart.

Ok, so sort of a "deep thoughts" five on friday, but it is a cloudy musing kind of day here.  Hope your weekend is safe and wonderful.

1 comment:

Audra said...

I had read the mom 101 blog post earlier today and as much as I think I would love staying home full time, right now I just can't. However, that being said my job does make me grateful and a better mother when I am home. I know you love your work and it makes you a better mom when you are with your kids so more power to you. You have the best of both worlds. Love you sis, try not to get blown away:)


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