Wednesday, April 18, 2012

B's 1st Bike

As promised a bit more from B's 1st Bike.  Mostly the photos and captions tell the story, but here are a few more things I want to remember:
  •  His first bicycle is an 18"  Hot Wheels version from Toys R Us
  • Uncle Able and his Daddy helped him pick it out.
  • The helmet is for ages 8+ and 'very cool' according to B.  It was, by far my favorite too and magically has to characters or branding on it!
  • The first day he had a little trouble getting started in places and keeping his feet on the pedal, but seemed to enjoy it.  He was very proud of himself and we of him. 
  • His second day of riding he took the long ride from our house to Sonic.  He did fall twice, he tells me, but was so proud of himself.  I was working and sorry to have missed it, but glad he and Brent had that adventure together.
  • The training wheels were a bit too low to the ground in the first days, and when that was finally adjusted properly late on Tuesday he was a bit less thrilled as it is wobbly, but still trying it repeatedly.
  • He is fairly trepidatious about going down hills or inclines at all now that it is "wobbly".  That said, it is fairly flat in our neighborhood so he'll be fine. 
  • Uncle Able and Fraunt Tracie have both already promised to go riding with him sometime and he is psyched. I sense that bikes for all of us is probably in the future somewhere (post-baby, obviously).
  • M is riding her own little trike more now that B is and has requested that she get to use her helmet too.  We're all about the helmet safety here thanks to Uncle Able's bike crash a couple years ago and my sister's work as a neuro peds nurse.
  • It is a great and wonderful adventure and I'm so excited for him.  I hope he continues riding it and enjoying it as he does now. 
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