Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Dancing Girl

My Mom and Father Dennis always used to call me their dancing girl.  I'm thrilled beyond measure to have a little dancing girl of my own. We do at least a little silly dancing every day.  Sometimes it is just twirling around in the living room.  Other days, we turn on Pandora and dance together.  There is always an introductory dance song at Gymnastics as well.  M does all sorts of funny little dances so it seemed only appropriate that while everyone's attention was on B and his new bike she was dancing to her own song in the background, running with the wind, and splashing in the water.

1 comment:

Debra Dotter Blakley said...

I have pictures of you doing just this at that age. I hope she gets to have more opportunities to learn to dance than we were able to offer you, my dear. ....if she wishes that is. Lovely.


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