Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

1.  Word is that it is National Siblings Day so here's to my super siblings! Love you both!

2.  M is having an injury prone week.  First she fell on the stairs at the farm and collected some other bruises there during her adventures.  Then, a kid threw wood chips at her at school and she has some scratches and bruising around her eye.  Next up, today at gymnastics, while she was not listening to me, she tried to climb through a small opening and I had to pull her out.  In the meantime, bumped her chin on the edge of the whole ending with another scrape.  Finally, she and B were rough housing outside after dinner and she somehow ended up with a bloody nose.  She was fairly tough about all of these, but we could use a bit less blood from lady M, lest someone hotline us soon.

3. I have to sheepishly admit that I might be falling for my minivan. The kids love it. I am so enjoying all the new gadgetry and Brent is busily playing the gas mileage game. I particularly, to my great surprise, like the sunroof.  I could go on, but I'll spare you.  In good news, we're all happy with our purchase so far.

4.  Pregnancy Notes:  I went to the Doctor again this week as we're now entering the every other week doctor apt. phase of pregnancy. I am measuring slightly ahead, and had my first conversation with my Doctor about my fear of having an even larger baby this time (keep in mind that M was 9lb 15oz...).  She did seem amenable to thinking about inducing a bit sooner than the 41 weeks we went to last time, which was encouraging.  Meanwhile, just as I hit the 30 week mark pregnancy started to be a bit less comfortable.  Lots of little niggly things, but a shift in my prior perspective of everything being fine.  The climbing up and down off the floor is getting to be troublesome, but is something I need to do many times a day with two other small kids.  The baby is also getting much stronger now, which is good, but not quite as much fun as little flutter kicks of earlier in the process.  Still no name, or progress thereon....

5.  B's biggest excitement for the week is that he and his bestie Preston have a play date scheduled for Thursday. They can both barely contain the excitement.  Meanwhile, today he was definitely my champion listener and helper, which rocks.  He was a bit emo this weekend, but in general, I am loving 5 with this guy.

6.  M, meanwhile, seems to have developed some sort of 2 year old related hearing loss as she suddenly seems to not hear Brent or I or be able to follow directions.  It is insanely frustrating and ends up with her spending a lot of time in time out or losing privileges of some kind. I know it is a phase, but I am not doing so awesome not getting frustrated at answering the same question 30 times or having to work with her for 15 minutes to get any given task done..... it boggles the mind as she was totally able to do these same things not so long ago quite nicely.

7.  As you may recall, my husband works the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics (OSSM) and is an alum as well.  The school and its related support organizations are working on a legislative awareness campaign in an attempt to draw attention to the good the school is doing and the detrimental impact of recent cuts.  If you are interested in supporting them and the school in their efforts check out the OSSM Support Campaign.  They have detailed background information available and letters to send to the legislators on their behalf. Alternatively, leave a comment and I'll gladly connect you with my husband or the group more generally and they can provide more details on the school's needs and state funding issues.

8.  The weather is positively glorious.  My gardens are flourishing and my iris are up to my shoulders and finally starting to bloom.  My mom's garden was even more delightful.  I am soaking every bit up as it already has been 90 degrees and I suspect we'll spend months above that range coming soon. For now, it feels delightfully like spring!

9. For those of you that might have missed the links on facebook, twitter, or email -- You can see some gorgeous images from our family photo shoot on Heather's blog. I am so glad  we do these twice a year.  It is great to have us all together and to be in the shot when I'm so often behind the camera. I do find it hard to imagine how we'll ever get all 5 of us looking the same direction when it is already so tricky with four!

10.  I'm starting to think more concretely about the nursery as some girlfriends "might" be coming by this weekend to help get it started.  At the moment it is filled with bins of clothes and supplies from my sister (Thanks, Audra!)  At the moment, this means the nursery is totally unusable for anything so we'll have to start our decorating plan by emptying it and figuring out what to do with all the "stuff".... which just doesn't sound like as much fun as decorating so perhaps Brent and I will start on the storage project before the weekend?  We are pondering paint colors too. The kids loved the visit to Sherwin Williams today as they have free popcorn there!  I now have some colors to chose from, but still feeling unsure. Decisions, decisions.

I hope you all have a lovely week and that you're getting to enjoy some glorious spring weather too!

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