Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pregnancy: How we've shared the news

We have had the privilege of telling our family that we are expecting a baby four times.  Each time I've had this random urge to tell them in some adorable/surprising way.  However, more often than not, it has been pretty basic.  That said, as we've likely told them the last time I thought those stories should be recorded too.

1.  Brendan - Sadly, it is a bit hard to recall, but my memory is that we just called them a week after we found out.  We were living in VA and not seeing them for another month so it was the simplest alternative.  If I recall, my sister guessed as soon as she answered the phone at my parents' house as my voice was nervous/excited?  I also distinctly remember my Grandpa saying he would "try to hang around that long" when I told him as this was the year or so following my Grandma's death and he was still very sad.  I also learned the first time to tell my cousins myself rather than thinking their parents will tell them as at least one cousin found out we were pregnant when we sent an email around requesting addresses for the baby announcements.... quite the surprise for them!

2.  "Poppy"  -- For those that do not know, our second baby miscarried around 6 weeks or so in the fall of 2008.  We had just told our parents the weekend before.  We hosted a big dinner party (described here).  We had never actually done this before with both sets of parents, but had also only lived in Oklahoma a couple months at this point.  After dinner, we changed B's shirt and as you can almost see below, it says "Big Brother" -- and thus the news was broken.  I remember much excitement from our families and it taking Bill a moment to "get it."  I remember some nerves on my part and  maybe a premonition that all was not quite right.  Here is the big group picture.  The miscarriage began less than a week later and we were sharing a whole different sort of news. Some people had never heard we were pregnant to begin with, which made this phase even more tricky.  I am glad we had told our parents and others though as this baby got to have a celebration too. I did get to celebrate with some DC friends too as I told them at a wedding that week and even got to reply to a friends' announcement that she was pregnant by saying "I am too."  Of the four friends at that wedding only the bride wasn't pregnant.  It was a unique moment to be sure. 

 3.  Maggie -- We were, clearly, a bit more hesitant to tell people about being pregnant with M as it we found out only maybe 6 weeks after our miscarriage.  We weren't trying per se, but weren't doing anything preventative either.  I think we told my family during the Thanksgiving and then told Brent's parents the next day when we returned to the city.  We, and everyone, were cautious.  We hadn't told Brent's extended family yet when we got an email from his cousin saying she was expecting her third child and had the exact same due date I did.  It was fairly comical to get to reply that we were expecting a baby that day as well. Sadly, she suffered a miscarriage, but happily had a baby a few months later as well.

4.  Baby Brother - We told people in phases and with a mix of cutesy and not so cutesy announcements.  First, we told my Mom as part of her birthday present.  As you'll see below, the kids made hand art for her birthday and we made a third one (green below) that says "Coming June 2012".  I think this picture says a lot - happy, maybe surprised, touched and just a tiny bit sad as this will be her first Grandchild that my Dad will not be here to welcome in person (cue my tears just typing that).

Next, we told Brent's parent's and sister during a family visit in Dallas.  We had agreed to just tell our immediate family at first so we waited until it was just us. I had got just returned from my jog and we were discussing what a lovely trip it had been.  Brent said something off hand about us bringing another one with us next time.  It took a moment for it to sink in, but everyone was excited and full of questions.

The following weekend, we told my sister--- by informing her we wouldn't be coming to Zane's birthday party, which will likely coincide fairly closely with baby boy's birthday.

We also put the announcement for my Grandpa in his birthday card that he opened during dessert that weekend and he got to share the news a bit more with the other family gathered to celebrate with him.

This time, we told my book club friends during book club at my house.  Everyone was showing pictures of their kids' Halloween cuteness and I volunteered pictures too--- mine were ultrasound pictures of the new baby taken earlier that day at my 8 week appointment.  Very fun!

In 3 of the 4 instances, I've told my job as well.  It is always tricky and somewhat awkward for some reason.  Luckily, they have always been quite supportive, but it is just a weird conversation to have.  I've also often told a few people on Gchat, which is sort of curious.  This time, was the first time I've been part of facebook and shared there or on twitter--- so our most social media related announcement for certain.  This was actually fairly funny as we kept having to warn people to not say anything about it on any social media (twitter, facebook, blogs) prior to my telling my office as they really need to hear it from me.  My how times have changed!

So those are our stories.  It is still odd to think we'll probably never have this experience again.  How did you tell your friends and family? 

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