Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

1. It is spring "busy season" at my job with the Board meetings just over a week away. This means I finished working just as I started this post.  Not so fun, but necessary.

2.  Wednesday evening last week Brent completely repainted the ceiling of the nursery as we were unable to get paint to match the existing color.  It wasn't fun, but in good news it meant that we could maybe get all the nursery stuff back in the nursery before Zane came to visit thus reducing the risk of him hurting himself or our house being a disaster when our visitors arrived.

OSSM Faculty Volleyball team 2012
2. On Thursday, the kids and I went to the OSSM Faculty v. Seniors volleyball game to watch Brent play.  It was swelteringly hot that day, but the faculty were victorious (as always).

Cutie watching her Daddy play volleyball
3. Thursday evening Brent had dorm night, but Able came by to do laundry and help put the nursery back together.  He and I got quite a few things hung up and put back up on the ceiling.  We finished this just in time for Brent to return home and help move furniture.  The kids are loving playing in baby brother's room so it is already absolutely covered in blankets again, but still progress.  We have about 1/2 of the decorating left to do, but need a little break before returning to that project.

4.  Friday afternoon, the kids and I got to hang out with Aunt Audra, Zane and Grandma before they headed to the farm.  Then it was time fro soccer practice followed by dinner at Zarates with several of the other soccer families.  It was fun, but a long evening. I like that our team is so social and supportive.  I feel like in the course of the year we've really gotten to know a few of the families which is particularly nice as I don't meet that many new people in Edmond because I work from home.
At Zarates with Socccer buddies

5.  Saturday, I woke up and headed to Tulsa for a fun day with some of my girl friends that included brunch, going to see Avengers--- my first in-theater movie since Christmas and great fun, and a couple hours of scrapbooking.  I loved it!  Then I drove to the farm.  A lot of driving for me, but a full wonderful day.

6.  Brent, however, woke up to a sick lady M, followed by normal Saturday routines of recycling and soccer with Grammie and Granddaddy before heading to the farm to help with the construction project the guys were undertaking in my Mom's garage.  The kids both seemed to feel fine by late afternoon and enjoyed playing with their cousins, aunts, uncles, grandma friends, and s'mores!

7.  Sunday was a gorgeous day.  We all mostly lazed around at the farm.  We pushed kids on swings, cooked, took long naps, ate alot, wandered the gardens, talked to my Grandpa, did a few chores with my Mom and generally had a good time before heading late back to the city.  (On the way home, B and I actually saw the car in front of us hit a black calf on the road--- one of those things you are constantly warned of, but I'd never actually seen before, definitely being diligent now.)

8.  Monday was back to work and school.  Brent had to write and print an exam and do dorm night so he was very busy all day and into the night. I decided the kids and I should head back to the farm for more fun as how often are the Korenaks only an hour away from us.  We had another five hours of playing, eating, talking, etc... before heading back just before twilight. I am so glad we went even if it meant a long day for us.

9.  Tuesday was busy too!  M slept in and I worked a bit early in the day before getting everyone fed, dressed and packed for school.  Then, we went and got the car washed before they went to school and I went to work.  Work is busy, but I took a short break for lunch with the Korenaks and my Mom.  After school, we ran errands, got both kids' haircuts from cousin Janna, and then went to gymnastics, all before dinner.  We snuck in some gardening time before books and bedtime.  After bedtime, as noted above, I was back to work for a few more hours....

10.  So, in short, it was a busy week again. This weekend looks to be busy too with more soccer, mother's day, OSSM Gala, and probably more things we haven't thought of yet.  I'm hoping to steal some crafting time to balance the work and maybe take another nap in here somewhere as I am quite tired.  My back is hurting more now as my belly grows and heart burn is my frequent companion.  That said, we're entering the soon, but not there yet phase of the pregnancy so thinking more concretely about preparations, names, supplies, plans, and what happens next.  We tend to do this in spurts as it is overwhelming, but necessary.  I'm trying to spend time focused on each of our existing children too, as I know that time will be harder to come by soon. It is interesting how many different ways we prepare for our family to grow.  Any suggestions for the preparation or transition are appreciated as always.

Hope you have a wonderful week!

--- all photos via my instagram feed as that is as close as I've come to uploading pictures this week.  Lots to come I'm sure, but liked these, particularly of the kids. 

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