Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Baby ahoy!

As the official historian and social media strategist of BabyMania 2012, it is my solemn duty to relay the following:

Everett Ambrose Richards was born today at 1:18 PM. He weighs 8lb 1oz and is 20" long. 

What's that you say? You want to see more pictures? Well then...

First bath
Meeting the rest of the organization

What? More pictures? Fine! I will be adding pictures to this page as they become adorable.


Summer said...

Congratulations! As a number nerd, I appreciate all the 1's and 8's he has going for him. Nicely done! Love all the family pics, everyone looks thrilled!

Emy Moody said...

Congratulations! What a handsome little man he is! I see a little of Miss M in him. Hope you all are doing well.

Amber said...



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