Monday, June 11, 2012

It begins (again)

After M was born, her birth story to me always began with the day before.  I suspect this is unique to those of us being induced or having scheduled c-sections, but it is part of our story and I think I'll start the story here again, but write it before the next chapter unfolds.

I just read that earlier story and it sounds so peaceful and such a good way to transition into the next phase.  This time has been much more chaotic.  We had a lovely weekend at the farm with my family, but that did leave us a few things left to do today.  Our last day as a family of four went more like this:

After getting everyone up and dressed Brent went to work for what we thought was a 1/2 day.  The kids and I finished up their farm laundry and packed their bags for Grammie's house.  Then, we had the minivan washed and vacuumed out after a lot of "adventures" at the farm.  So far,so good.

 The next stop was Target where things started to unravel.  We had a few last things to buy in preparation, but from the outset, M was not cooperating.  We ultimately found most of what we were looking for, but it took us more than an hour to get through and checked out and we probably had 15 items.  They included matching clothes for the kids for newborn family pictures, curtains for the baby's room, big kid cups, kid tylenol, shampoo for me, fruit for the week, diet pepsi, etc...  Of course, the kids REALLY wanted to try on the clothes, as they suddenly love dressing rooms, which took forever.  They also played hide and seek in the clothes racks which resulted in a lot of clean up time and probably some frustrated employees at Target.  As we left, both had to go to the bathroom, again, wanting to do it all themselves.  I should mention that M has on a leotard, which is partially what is making it take FOREVER.

We finally make it into the car and on our way to see Daddy/go to my Dr. apt.  On the way, I found out some very sad news, the kind that keeps this circle of life very much in perspective.  I also make plans for Tracie to come visit me in the hospital as my pseudo family since all of my own family is gone just now (sad face).  I leave the kids with Brent after they have managed to bicker and torment each other the whole ride.

The Doctor appointment goes well.  My body has progressed some and I am encouraged by that.  The Doctor and I talked through the whole plan and I think it is a good one.  We have a lovely family lunch at the Wedge.  It was fun and delicious.  Brent, to my surprise, has to work awhile longer.  The kids and I check on something for Uncle Able and finish up the family picture clothes hunt at Old Navy, buy gas, get cash, and head home.  We didn't make it through other errands on my list like buying a frame for this map for the nursery or taking the library books back...oh well.  During all this the bickering and pestering continues... I contemplate rearranging car seats...

At home, they are nuts, more craziness.  Lots of it is excitement, I know, but why does excitement seem to involve hitting each other? I got a hugely generous spa gift certificate from my office (Thanks OGC crew, I clearly am going to need some pampering).  I spend some time trying on clothes and dancing with M, as well as working on some crafting with her.  B gets to play his video game a bit.  We anxiously await Brent's arrival....which isn't until 4:30 when I am fully annoyed.  We head out, pick up a present for his parents' along the way and the game is on.

We have a lovely dinner with Grammie and Granddaddy and get the kids all settled.   It is hard for me to say good-bye, but they seem fine.  We take one more family picture:

 I have mostly calmed down, but am increasingly nervous.  Brent and I get ice cream on the way home. We have our heart to heart where I cry about all the things I'm worried, nervous, sad, and crazily paranoid about.  We talk about our hopes, our strengths, he works me around to being OK, and more optimistic.  We open my newly arrived laptop (our expensive solution to how to get pictures up now that my old one died--- I'm also considering it an anniversary gift).  The laptop is small, plays well with his computer, and was easy to get ready to go).  

Brent and I have a discussion about names (roughly down to three--no we're not telling).  He goes to strap in the car seat and discovers some strap missing from the base (parenting fail).  He packs, I blog, and we ponder how to get to sleep at a decent time.  I talk to Chrissie a bit and follow the rest of my family on their voyages on twitter.  There is apparently some sort of baby burrito wager on when the baby will be born.  Those betting it will happen before I'm scheduled to be induced are, I suspect, going to end up on the short end of this one. 

It is 9:35 and that's where we are.  Anxious a little, maybe excited, clearly not "quite" ready, but better.  Brent is hanging curtains and I'm off to pack my things.  I can barely remember what we're supposed to bring, but am sure electronics will figure heavily into the mix.  We have to be at the hospital at 6am.. Is it fair to admit we haven't looked to see which floor is L&D?  We've been there before so I'm sure it will work itself out.  I do wish today had been calmer and more relaxing.  That said, I am sure we will all be fine and are so ready to meet our new little one.  

Thank you for all your prayers, texts, emails, phone calls and support.  We will update you in various ways tomorrow and in days that follow.  If you need us, try Brent first as I tend to be slightly less communicative in the first hours/days after the baby arrives.

If you are reading this later little one, know that you are so very loved, special, and wanted deeply even amid all this chaos.  

See you on the flip side as a newly made family of five!


Debra Dotter Blakley said...

All will be well. Remember to breath from your center and stay focused so to help your child be brave.

JennieMarie said...

We are so excited to meet your little one soon! Love you all, and I know that everything will go fine. At the end, all that matters will be that little guy safe in your arms!

Summer said...

What a great post and great idea to do so before little one's arrival. Wishing you a wonderful day as you take in this miracle. Blessings.

Heather said...

This is a great post, Abbey! Good luck today! I'm thinking of you constantly and wishing you well.


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