Sunday, June 3, 2012

Scrappy Sunday

It has been a very productive scrapbooking week.  Initially, I was working through some Elle's Studio challenges, and then did some supply shopping... a bit more than I probably "should" have so I made a challenge for myself to try and complete at least 15 pages before all the supplies arrive to make sure I'm actually using what I'm buying.  Somehow the pages have gone very fast and it has been great fun.  I've done about 12 since issuing this challenge to myself and as the SC kit won't arrive until late next week I'm fairly sure I'll beat my own goal unless say I have a baby in the next day or two.  I'm going to split the pages across a couple weeks as there are more than usual and I suspect post baby there will be very few.  Below are the offerings from the first half of the week for you to enjoy!

M and Zaney boy playing ring around the rosie.  They are so adorable.  This was one of the first times they were really old enough to play together. 

This next one is a two pager, which is rare for me these days.  It is the one I mentioned struggling with during my ten on Tuesday post.  I think it worked out, but two page spread are now hard for me, which is odd as when I started it was always two page versions. These pages are about our October visit to Dallas for Rouse family fun!

This page, I really like.  It was inspired by the SC Sketch of the week.  The sketch was for a card, but I expanded it out to a full sized page about B learning to climb all over the playground when he was two.  (I've mentioned I don't scrap chronologically, right?)

This layout features the May SC kit and a story about Able and Zaney on the day of Zane's baptism. 

Next up, a page about the tradition I'm trying to create of cooking with the Rouse/Richards kids at family holidays. 

I recognize that Easter bonnets are kind of silly, but I love them and think they are a little girl must.  Here is M's 2012 version and some journaling about our Easter fun. 

Finally, another about B.  The notes on the hexagons are things I wonder about.  The writing on the page is more about his personality at age 4.5 when these pictures were taken last October.

There are lots more stories to share and I hope we'll create some more this last full week as a family of four (unless the baby somehow comes before the week is out...)
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