Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

1. Big news! (In case you missed it on my various social media feeds) We are scheduled to be induced next Tuesday morning (6/12/12) unless the baby comes before then! Hooray!

2.  In related news, next Tuesday is 12 on the 12th.  I suspect I'll have way more than 12 pictures, but probably won't post them promptly.  I'd love to see the shots of your day, particularly on the day our little guy is born!  I also suspect Ten on Tuesday may be on hiatus next week... we shall see if I can find a helpful guest poster to fill you all in. Brent, at minimum, will post birth announcement type information here fairly soon after it becomes available.  For our most social media integrated birth yet - there will also be email, twitter and facebook postings... I suspect. That said, I find I tend to be wildly uncommunicative and not so into talking to people in the first day or so, so there is a chance you'll have to rely on my intrepid cast of helpers.  This cast will be somewhat reduced as my Mom and Brother will be in Denver for the week and my sister will have returned home. (Sad faces all around).

3. My children are more than a little nuts this week.  Maybe it is lack of routine, maybe it is waiting for the baby to arrive, maybe it is a "phase" who knows, but one can hope it passes.  B has been generally better since my mom returned to the fray from her Irish adventure.  M has backslid into the worst of two -- she will not do basically anything Brent and I tell her to do if she is the tiniest bit tired (and has missed many a nap of late).  She loses privileges and spends copious amounts of time in timeout most days... My mom thinks I'm too patient with her and is probably right.  Way too many chances are being given before the penalties. I guess I'm hoping she'll just do it, even though I know she won't.  But most of the penalties are fairly ineffective too so we've been implementing new ones with some success.

4. It is "possible" that our roof has hail damage.  I (sheepishly admit) I let some contractor coming through the neighborhood look at it, against my better judgement.  He says it is totaled, but I have to say his "delivery" of that news hit pretty high on my bullsh*t meter.  We are getting other opinions and talking to our insurance folks because obviously the week you're having a new baby is a great time to replace one's roof.

5. IRSP (Intramural Research Summer Program) has begun at OSSM.  Brent is the fearless leader.  What this means practically is that he works into the evening most evenings for three weeks. The baby being born falls smack in the middle of this time period so he'll take off from his "day" job, but likely have to go in several of the nights as this is a separate responsibility he is paid separately (and pretty well) for and going into maternity leave its definitely a source of income we could use even for the extra hardship it may  pose here on the home front.  I keep telling myself it will only be say 8 days or less of this after the baby is born and how bad could that be, but might be dreaming in technicolor.

6.  My sister and Zane arrive tomorrow!  How exciting is that?  She is helping lead "Adventure Camp" at the farm for the next few days.  I'm in a place where I am both relieved to have a break from my kids, but also sad to miss some of the final days with them before little bro arrives.  That said, it is really maybe 2.5 days as Brent and I plan to join them late Friday afternoon.

7.  Our 11th Anniversary is on Saturday!  Last year, our anniversary was a big party, lots of preps, friends, blogs, crafting, trip for two, etc... This year, we're thinking our traditional picnic on Thursday night when the kids are done and IRSP wraps up on the early side.... and that's about it. Maybe I'll manage to pre-do my annual blog/email so it is around for posterity, but at the moment, I'm not even sure that will happen.  It will be interesting to see how anniversary celebrations fare now with the little guy's birthday so close to "our" day.  We've promised to not lose the focus on us too in all the change and chaos  as it is what makes us strong parents and partners so we'll figure it out.

8.  Scrapbooking continues at a frenetic pace.  It just seems to flow along naturally and most evenings are verging on three pages a day which is fairly unheard of. (Today may be an exception as I note the time...ahem). There is some generalized other nesting going on as well.  I don't really remember this creative bit of the nesting, but my mom says I'm like this before each child is born and I'm quite sure she remembers this more than I do given the crazy pregnancy/childbirth hormones.

9.  Work is wrapping up.  I am a teeny bit of a control person (you knew that, right?) so letting go is hard.  Bundle that with several new and interesting projects on tap for the summer and I'm trying to be as much a help as I can while acknowledging that I have to just walk away and trust them to do it.  Many of these will likely still be percolating in the fall, and we've made good progress this week, but still letting go is always hard.

10.  Thoughts on waiting -- I find myself simultaneously very eager to meet the little one and move to this next phase, and dreading it a tiny bit.  Brent might have said something along the lines of trading one hell for another when I was complaining about some physical ailments this week.  (I think he was sort of joking...)  The thing is, dreamy new born baby skin and snuggles are phenomenal.  Being a family of five and loving our newest member will be awesome.  But as third timers we know all too well it also means almost no sleep for the remainder of the year, a zillion bottles, diapers, vomiting, crying, screaming, copious amounts of laundry,  my body in pain, bleeding and torn,  etc... We try to overlook and make it part of the package, but as we slept in until 9 on Saturday (just as with the Saturdays just before M came) we knew that we probably wouldn't see this day/routine again until years from now....Sigh...we're spoiled.

I am also starting to miss the things I'll likely never do, be, or feel again.  By this time next week, it is likely I will have felt the last stirring, kicking, wiggling of a baby in my body.  I'll likely never have any of these pregnancy experiences again - the waiting, anticipation, excitement, encouragement, love, growth, amazement at all our bodies can do, joy of welcoming new life created out of just bits of my husband and I.

Then, my body and mind remind me that it may be time to let it go.  There are many more aches and pains at 33 than at 27.  Three children is likely more than enough for us given our struggles with two, my lack of patience, and that this phase naturally has to end sometime, but still... I think there may be tiny bits of it I will miss, which actually kind of shocks me as I don't really consider myself a person that loves pregnancy or being pregnant.  Part of me that is confused to think I'll never feel this, or be in this place again.  I'm promised there is lots of joy, amazement, wonder, and happiness in the phases to come (along with their own frustrations), but being me I'm never very good at transitioning even with the promise of more on the horizon....

Deep thoughts... I'll likely be back a time or two before we welcome our son, but if not, I wish you well and thanks for all your support of me and our family during this pregnancy and always.

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