Sunday, June 10, 2012

Scrappy Sunday

Welcome to Scrappy Sunday!  Here are about 1/2 of my projects from the week. I'll post the remaining pieces in coming weeks when I suspect I'll be scrapbooking less. Enjoy!

This page is about our visit to the Magic House in Saint Louis with Zane as he turned one in 2011.

This page is based off of my earlier blog post about our family Iris. 

Amazingly, I actually scrapbooked some Easter pages including this several page spread about M's Easter at the farm.  In theory, I'll make a similar one for B as there were too many pictures and stories to lump them together. 

There are three pages, the above is a full page, then this middle half page with pictures about M and her Minnie doll.  There was such a cute series of pictures of her playing and making faces that I really wanted to include a lot of them.  Her faces are just some of my favorite things to capture and remember. 

This is the right hand page which focuses on the Easter Egg hunting portion of the day.  (As a side note, this was the last page I did using up my very first SC Kit - Candy Shoppe.  I've loved this kit and "might" have been hoarding it a little.  In a week or so you'll see a few more of the final pages including this awesome rainbow paper I love...but I digress). 

This is, probably, the fist page I've done for the new little one.  It is filled with pictures from our family photo shoot this spring and talks about all the excitement, planning, and love surrounding the process of preparing for this new little one. 

I also wanted to capture a page with our family of four, albeit in transition as I'm about 29 weeks pregnant in this picture.  Simple, easy and with some basic facts about ages, etc... on the journaling tag.  I like having these occasional larger pictures in my book and think you'll see more of them soon. 

I finished this page at the end of a night of crafting when my kids were at farm camp.  I was "warmed up" and wanted to play a bit.  I chose playful pictures, but also some new techniques for me.  I had just received my bottle of "Shine" Mister Huey and tried it out with a homemade star mask (just punched a star shape out of cardstock and used the negative).  Then I sprayed over it with Heirloom Blue Mister Huey.  I was surprised and excited to see the result.  You can see the stars, but they aren't as dark as if I'd make them with the blue and retain some of the "shine" too.   The below may be clearer, but it was just really cool how the mists interacted.  The page is a bit in a messier style than most of late, but it was a nice relaxed adventure and I "might" have covered up some problems with the photos so it all worked well.  Hooray for happy accidents and new discovered.  Anyone have any other experiments I should try?

I hope you all have a crafty, creative week and would love your thoughts or comments on these pages or scrapbooking generally. 
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1 comment:

Emily D. said...

Loving all of your layouts!! Isn't the Magic House fun? We live not too far from it! I used to live right by it... within walking distance for years.

Always love your work!


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