Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Week 2!

June 19, 2012 - repeat as it crosses both weeks
June 20, 2012  - so cute and fun startle reflex
June 21, 2012  - E's photo shoot was this day, but for now this is our place holder
June 22, 2012 - All three kids - the idea was a feet picture, but I liked the shot too, even with messy hair
June 23, 2012 - last minute picture this day, (trying not to cringe)

June 24, 2012
June 25, 2012 - With Daddy who came home early for snuggles

June 26, 2012 - in his favorite chair in the kitchen.  He hangs out here alot while we are eating, cooking, or cleaning up. 

 This is a day late because his two week appointment was on Wednesday and I know you all dig the stats, right?

Weight: 8lb 1oz - back to birth weight! - 29%
Height: 20.25 - same as last week - 31%
Head - 36cm - 1cm larger - 26%

All seems well and the Doctor was happy with him being back to birth weight.  Was a bit crowded at the appointment as all five of us went.  Next appointment is August 16th and will be both his 2 month visit and M's 3 year appointment (and the day before the first day of Kindergarten!!)

This week has been more transition.  The thing with newborns is that things change rapidly so it is hard to say that there is a routine or an ongoing plan.  For instance, some nights he has done well sleeping on his own for three hour stretches.  Other days he has spent most of the night sleeping in the chair with me, or doing one our stretches by himself followed by one hour stretches with one of us.  Some of the difference is clearly how much I need/want to snuggle that night and how willing we are feeling to fight the sleep on your own battle.  Lots of time for sleep training though so absorbing the now.  In good news, he does take one or even two 3 hour naps in his crib during the day so clearly he "can" sleep there.

He seems to be loving the oppressively hot weather.  Several days in a row that lengthy 3+ hour afternoon nap has fallen right in the heat of the day when our house is warmer too... truly a summer baby, I guess.  I suspect the long naps will change, but for now they remind me of another small boy I once knew who loved his oh so long afternoon naps and I loved them too:)

One of the "now" things I'm loving and have no way to capture for later is his tiny soft skin and the feel of his warm little head nestled against my neck.  He is a perfect fit and I will miss these little things so much.  We are trying to capture other senses though like the tiny baby sounds on video and lots of pictures and journaling around the rest (spoiler alert - Sunday's post will explain the journaling project).

This week included our family/newborn photo session.  E was a bit more awake than is ideal, but he overall did a great job and the sneaks are wonderful.  His big sister was, ummmm, less cooperative so there are probably not many shots that worked with her.  We shall see?

This week E met his Aunt Jamie and cousins John and Matthew.  He also met Jessie and, oddly, my first grade teacher and her daughter as well as many strangers that remain amazed that he is out and about with us.  

His siblings had science camp much of the week so we had extra time together.  It was weird to be just us in such a quiet house.  It is moments like that where I wonder why I thought my first maternity leave was hard. So simple now when there is just one!  

Breast feeding continues.  I have little clue how well it is going.  He seems to need/want bottles about four times a day with his feedings, but that seems fair to us. I know there are other more aggressive things we could be doing to push it, but also know that my mental health tends to tip past balance if I push too hard on this so we're rolling with it and it seems to be working for us just now although I'm sure the real lactation people would be appalled at our system.  We've learned not to care so much as that is not what matters here.

We had some time just E, Brent and I on Monday while Uncle Able took the bigs to see Brave.  It was a warm day, but nice to get some focused attention and together time.  M found Brave pretty scary, unfortunately.

Meanwhile, E continues to suck on his own wrist, finger or a paci,  is stretching out those tiny legs a bit more all the time and spending some tummy time in his baby gym.  I'm not sure he loves tummy time, but he does OK.  M tends to get VERY close to him during gym time, and well, whenever she can.  We suspect this will result in either a very small or very large personal space bubble.  She is doing better about being gentle, but did try to pick him up out of a seat the other day. I gasped and she let him go--- luckily back into the chair.  My heart definitely stopped and I spent much of the rest of the day trying to come down off the adrenalin and not freak out about my kids surviving to adulthood.

B has generally been doing very well, but was a bit quiet these last couple days.  I'm hoping all is well, but suspect he might be getting sick again.  Today, he and I have had several hours of one on one time with little access to electronics (per our electricity rationing) and I am hoping that will help.  Brent is still around 1/2 days fairly often, which is very awesome.  We are so lucky this baby was born after the school year as it makes him much more able to be around and help out.

That's our story for this week.  We shall see what the next week brings!

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1 comment:

Audra said...

Clay picked up Blaine when he was little but when Trina screamed he dropped him from standing to the floor and he's great. Luckily he just was dropped to the chair:)
Can't wait to meet the little guy.


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