Monday, July 2, 2012

Recipe: chocolate peanut popcorn

Variations on Chocolate Popcorn have been very popular here in the last few months.  At the end of my pregnancy and beginning of this "fourth trimester" I have craved chocolate and my kids are more than willing to oblige.  Early attempts at chocolate popcorn included grating chocolate over the still warm popcorn (pictured above).  This was both wildly messy and delicious.  I "might" have had it for lunch one day while the kids were in school and I was still working.  So tasty. I kept planning to wait and see if it was less messy when cooled and set, but somehow none of it survived that long!

 This was not really practical with messy young people though so we've since modified our approach.  Now, we wait until the popcorn is cooled and add in the chocolate an peanuts then.  It is not quite the same distribution of chocolate, but still delicious. Just in case you want to try it, below is our rough recipe for your enjoyment!

Chocolate Peanut Popcorn

Note: we pop our popcorn on the stove, but I suspect this might work with microwave popcorn too.

1/2 c. popcorn
2 T canola oil
2 tsp salt
1/2 c. peanuts (we use unsalted, but lightly salted would work too).
1/2 c. chocolate chips (mini chips would likely be very tasty too)


Heat oil in a large pan over high heat.  Add 1 1/2 tsp. salt and popcorn.  Cover with aluminum foil with a few small holes poked into it. Listen for popping sounds and as soon as you hear them begin shaking the pan until the popping stops.  Pour into a large bowl.  Shake remaining 1/2 tsp salt or the popcorn salt of your choosing over the popcorn and mix.  Let cool --- snack on it if you like while you wait.  Once fully cool, mix in peanuts and chocolate chips.  They tend to sink to the bottom so ongoing stirring may be necessary.  Enjoy

Alternative:  Use a micro-plane grater to grate semi-sweet chocolate over the popcorn and be prepared for the possible mess, but also extra deliciousness. 

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