Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

1.  We had our first trip to Eat at Local in Norman this weekend.  It is a great concept that I'd been eager to try.  The emphasis is on locally sourced ingredients and being family friendly too.  The restaurant is in sort of a run down shopping center, but once inside the restaurant was gorgeous.  The kids menu choices were more sophisticated than usual, nothing was friend, and they came with one fruit and one vegetable (parenting win!).  All the kids meals are served when ready and before the grown-ups.  Alternatively, the kids can hang out and eat in "localville" which is a fun play space.  We didn't send our kids as we wanted to all hang out together and they had space for all 15 of us to do that (including 7 kids 5 and under).  Great fun!

2.  I'm pretty excited about all the new friends that are pregnant now.  I can't say who they are yet, but am eager to meet six new little ones in early 2013.  Hooray for all the babies and happy families!

3.  We had not been to the Science Museum in a month or two and were SO excited at all the changes we discovered.  There is a huge new fun play space upstairs that the kids loved.  There were cool things to climb on and through that made spacial geometry much more comprehensible (including the tessellation structure the girls are climbing above).  There were several other new areas we didn't get to explore this trip, but I'm sure we'll be back soon!

4.  Also, isn't it amazing how much fun face paint is?  We set the kids lose and let them decorate themselves and there is the whole line up (E abstained).  As an aside, it turns out that keeping track of seven kids in a very busy museum full of open spaces and things to climb into is trickier, even with 4 adults, than our Richards/Hopper mid-day outings with four kids and two adults.  In good news, we didn't lose anyone and had a great time.

5.  I listed E's new books last Friday, and wanted to share my new favorite too.  We recently checked out 
Everywhere Babies from the library and I am so enamored with the cross culture look at babies and all the things babies everywhere have in common I purchased one for us and for a couple friends immediately.  I think it is a great pick for those expecting, maybe even better still for those expecting a new baby that already have little ones at home.

6.  B is rocking big brotherhood.  This week he learned how to make a bottle and then fed it to E.  He is so excited about the little guy and a HUGE help.  I can't imagine doing this without all his cheerful help.  It is awesome.  M is doing a bit better as well and we seem to be having a bit of a break through on the "no" problem also.  Here's hoping...

7.  We finally made it back to some basic things like keeping our front garden tended.  It really only took M and I only 10 or 20 minutes total across two trips to pull the front beds back into a bit of order, but somehow has been a neglected task for awhile.  There are quite a few things like that that we're just sort of getting back into our routine.  Or maybe I should say folding into our new routine? I'm not sure, but normal remains a work in progress.

8.  One hugely annoying thing about this whole shift from pregnant to not pregnant is the clothes issue.  Nothing fits right.  Normal clothes don't and maternity clothes don't either.  Couple that with having to think about if I can nurse in whatever I'm wearing and getting dressed is tricky and seems to result in me wearing the same thing a lot... sigh, never a fan of this transition phase.  Suppose I should "get back on the wagon" as they say....

9.  I am still such a gymnastics fan (not surprised?). We spent a fair bit of time over the weekend watching the Olympic trials and reading up on the various results and scenarios.  I was SO excited that two OU men's gymnasts made the team and all three alternates are OU alums too.( there are 11 OU athletes going to the Olympics overall).  Watching the girls was lovely too, although maybe not quite the team I would have picked, but what do I know.  I am so excited about the Olympics starting in just a few weeks.  I suspect being on maternity leave may facilitate even more Olympics viewing than usual!

10.  Happy 4th of July everyone! I am delighted that we'll get to share it with some people from both our families.  I wish a bit more of my Dotter clan were here this year, but times change and hopefully we'll catch them another time.  I encourage you to take a moment to thank those that have served our country and to appreciate all the fights for these freedoms and sacrifices by so many that we celebrate this day. It is truly amazing and awe inspiring.  Thanks to all the veterans and hugs to all our families and friends here and elsewhere.  

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Oh, I feel ya on the clothes issue. I remember that time and how bad it sucks. However, "getting back on the wagon"?!?!? Girl, let your body heal and rest! You did just give birth less than a month ago!


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