1. B is attending "Howdy Partner" Zoo Camp this week and seems to be loving it. With all our busy schedules this is his only Zoo Camp this year, but I'm sure we'll have many more next year. Meanwhile, the littles and I stayed home. This turned out to be good timing as M has been very much in need of more focused attention and mom time. Today, we had a dance party, made a scrapbook page, got "fancy", had a tea party, and watched Yo Gaba Gaba (her choice?) E joined us for some of the fun and napped some too.
2. M has recently started playing school with her babies. Here is yesterday's class. Their lesson of the day was learning how to walk. Class, for the record, always takes place in E's room as their "home" is in her room. (Obviously). She is quite an adorable teacher and does like Brent or I to come teach as well as her special guests.
3. We went to a gymnastics birthday party this weekend with some friends. Most of my pictures are a blur of motion like this, but I actually kind of like it that way as they were fully in motion nearly all the time. M did manage to get her pig tails into the pink frosting and so sort of had "pinktails" just like pinkalicious. The best part was everyone had a great time and we got to spend some time talking with the parents too.
4.The Wainrights came to meet baby E on Saturday. It was nice to have some one on one family time with them. Eric and E took a nap together that ended with a sweet "I love babies." They brought us presents and lunch too. Thanks so much Wainrights!
5. This is random and blurry too, but I love it. We were pondering as we took these that E is pretty much the size of Brent's head. In any case, they are both cute and I love their faces.

6. We went to visit Brent for picnic lunch last week. M insisted on her snow boots, but I think she rocked the look, but she did eventually admit that her feet were hot. The littles and I went back for a Sonic picnic with Daddy today while B was at camp. I think B was a little sad to miss it, but the littles had fun getting a fancy lunch with Daddy too. (and I had to pick up a pass for the zoo parking as today was "free day" at the zoo and thus a mad house trying to pick B up).

7. This guy continues to spend quality time in his favorite chair. The update of the week being that he is now able to hit/reach for some of his toys so it is more fun all the time.
8. Here is E in M's baby cradle. He just fits and appropriately he is awake... Our little guy seems to have decided to become MUCH worse at sleeping since he turned one month old, which is not a welcome development. Last night, he woke up pretty much every hour after 1am. Not fun at all.
9. On top of the sleep issues, I randomly seemed to get a version of the stomach ailments Audra, B, Zane and others had the prior week. I had to step out of the night rotation for a few hours on Sunday, and thankfully my Mom came to help with the kids on Monday as I was very low on both sleep and energy. It was great to get to take a nap and to hear her laughing with B while I rested. Thanks so much mom for saving the day!
10. Week 5: E now has both craddle cap and baby acne as you might be able to tell from the photos. It is not so cute, but doesn't seem to bother him at all. I'm hoping it passes as it has been going on for several weeks so who knows. The outfit above is one of his first 3 month onesies and (randomly) matches his crib sheets perfectly. This week he has been more awake in the mornings with a nice nap in the afternoons or whenever we are in the car.
I suspect breastfeeding may be coming to an end in the next couple weeks, just at the same time as it did with B. E seems very frustrated by it and I think is figuring out that he gets more food more quickly from his bottles. It is a sad moment in some ways, but I like that he is making the choice not me (at least not entirely as there are more things I could do to prolong it, but feel OK about it if it goes this way again). He is smiling just a bit more, but not many have seen it yet. This week I think he is seeing further as he seems to be looking around more and staring at ceiling fans, just like his brother did as a baby. I'm so hoping sleeping goes better this week as otherwise he is so easy going and adorable.
We're getting more used to being a family of five, but sometimes I'm still surprised at how our families have grown when dinner for just our family and that of a friend requires 9 seats!
I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
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