Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

I am a BIG Olympics fan.  That said, I definitely have my favorite events.  If you haven't seen/heard today's results you might want to skip this until later (Hint: Audra).

1.  This is my first time experiencing the Olympics with Twitter.  I had debated not "cheating" so I had the original experience while watching in the evening.  I have ended up being glad I decided against it.  I've watched the big gymnastics events on twitter and it has been fascinating as well as making the evening less stressful.  On Monday, my Mom and I "watched" the men together on twitter's play by play and then today my Mom, Jessie, and I (and whatever kids wandered by) watched twitter and the live feed of the women's gymnastics final.   It was great fun.

2.  The US Men's Gymnastics team is one of my big favorites.  I've seen more than half of them compete in person and it is just awesome.  I was so sad with how yesterday went, but hope the event finals go a bit better.  I also really disliked how NBC chose to tell the "story" of the men's finals.  They "left" all coverage of the US team with their less than stellar performance on the first three rotations.  The next three were MUCH better and the last was terrific.  However, no one knows that and the final impression was that they weren't successful and didn't recover from early mistakes, which is unfair to them.  As a story teller and fan this was so frustrating to a great group of competitors.

3.  I loved getting to see the US women gymnasts win the team medal.  It was great to see them happy in the last rotation, to see the tears and cheers as everything finally worked out. (So much better than the tears at qualifying which was so traumatic for Jordyn.  I do really like Aly and am glad she is getting a chance, but so sad that all three can't compete in the AA-- this is sort of "inside baseball -- so if you're not into it just skip along).  I am so glad they did their best job and that all that hard work panned out in a way that will change their lives forever.

4.  Meanwhile, we spent the first few days of the Olympics in TX visiting the Jonses.  We had lots of Olympic viewing, crafts and games and lots of time to play with our cousins.  We also stopped by the Vos briefly which was lovely.  I'm so glad we went.  The whole trip went so well in the car and otherwise.  Hooray!

4.  In the midst of all this I had a relapse of my costochondritis. Who knows why.  Maybe it was the exercise from last week.  Maybe it was the cold/sinus issues I was having which can be another trigger.  There has been quite a bit of pain and trouble. I finally went to the Dr. today and got a little medicine and am feeling better.  Thankfully my mom was here to help out, which made a huge difference.  Thanks, Mom!

5. B is having asthma/allergy problems too.  He is coughing constantly.  The side effect is that he is getting less sleep and on albuterol, which is not the norm.  The result is that he is more weepy and cranky than normal.  If it doesn't calm down in a few days we'll probably need to have him back at the Doctor too.  ( PS - he lost his third tooth on Sunday!  Daddy accidentally dropped it down the drain, but we left a note for the tooth fairy who we suspect found it as he got some coins in his tooth pillow in the morning and the note was gone.)

6.  M quote of the day: "Mama, turn your voice up, I can't hear you"  Yes, we "might" have been watching a bit more TV than usual.  As for lady M in generally she continues to have bright glowing moments where my heart melts and challenging ones that leave us all frustrated.  Her birthday is this weekend so lots of celebrating ahead for us on this 3rd Cherry Birthday.

7. It is way too hot here  Can't stand it.  Seriously.  Temps are 110-113 or some such nonsense.

8.  School is coming fast.  Brent's school resumes on the 14th of August, B starts kindergarten (!!) on the 17th and M goes back on the 22nd.  I don't return to work until the 17th of September, but it all feels like it is just flying so fast.  We're doing things like back to school shopping and trying to figure out schedules.  Just one more week before it all begins again...or for the first time.

9. My brother's Savory Spice Shop in OKC is slated to open in late September.  He is looking for some foodie types to come work at his shop so if you know any good people that are passionate about food let him know. You can reach him at awblakley @ gmail .com 

10. E: 7 Weeks old! Time is flying it seems. He had some big moments this week. It was his first time in Y childcare and he handled it like a champ. The childcare workers loved him, of course. He also had his first road trip. He mostly slept through it. There were just a few tears near the end, but over all - excellent!

 He is also definitely getting bigger as our unofficial weigh in at Aunt Jamie's house was 12lbs (about 50% more than at birth!). He has adorable little chubby cheeks and is still quite the snuggle bug.  

His sleeping was a bit disrupted on the trip, but otherwise continues about the same as last week. Sleeping in the same room with us was a bit disruptive for everyone, but we worked it out. Really if he could just get all his burps out before he went to sleep  I think he would rest for longer periods as virtually every time I pick him up there is a big burp.

We continue breast feeding even with all the chaos and costochondritis.  Still no clue where that path leads. He has started spitting up just a little.  This is new and not particularly welcome.  So far he doesn't do it "too" much, but I hope we're not foreshadowing reflux issues.  

He is smiling even more and fascinated by the ceiling fans, ceilings and whatever is above him.  We all are loving him and loving watching him learn about the world. 

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