Monday, April 23, 2012

Week in the Life: Monday

OK!  Here we go with Day 1 of Week in the Life.  I did not get off to a good start with my plan of filing out the worksheets as my printer is again rebelling.  So, I took notes on my phone instead.  Then, I was feeling too lazy/tired to post, but seeing that both my sister and sister-in-law have done their posts I was inspired to try my hand at it.  Not every day will be as time centric as this one, but here we go:

7:00  B and Brent wake up.  B surprises me, as most mornings, by randomly popping up at the edge of the bed.  This usually happens as Brent is in his hitting the snooze button phases.  B garners permission to play the Wii until M wakes up.  Brent heads off to get ready and I get up fairly shortly thereafter.  Brent and B have breakfast together while I'm getting ready. 
7:30 M wakes up just as Brent is leaving and gets her snuggles in with me.  (Keep in mind that the kids haven't seen me since Friday morning as I was in DC all weekend). M and I have breakfast and B has a second breakfast.  He is very hungry in the mornings of late. Next up is daytime clothes.  Today, this featured new shirts for each of them that I'd purchased on my trip.   (Discovery Space Shuttle for B and a Dairy Godmother shirt for M).
8:00 Morning TV time while they finish ends of breakfast while watching Pinky Dinky Do.  Meanwhile, I pack lunches and do the first check of my work and personal email.  
8:30 We all play in the kids' room. This consists primarily of reading two library books and playing a few rounds of Spiderman dominoes while trying to pick up just a bit.
9:00 We begin the final preparations for school (think brushing teeth and hair, putting on shoes, finding cups, getting M's blanket and loading everything up in the minivan.  Drop off is complete by 9:27 as I have to go directly to my bi-weekly OB appointment. 
10:00 Norman appointment with nothing exciting until I'm told that I'll have to find a new OB as mine is leaving OU prior to our baby's arrival.  The appointment was speedy, but I'm definitely thrown for a loop and proceed to seek a new Dr via my facebook friends while commiserating with Audra and Brent.  I grab a frappaccino on the way home, which is probably not what the baby needs-- we'll call it stress caffeinating.

11:00 Work day begins later than usual with email follow-up from the weekend. 

12:00 Conflict of Interest weekly group phone call-- followed by commiserating with my colleague. 
1:00 Bi-weekly Contracts Group phone call

2:20- Work is done for the day (mostly) and it is time to pick up the kids.

2:40 We head back home to a beautiful afternoon and choose to begin with front yard fun including bikes and examining our flower beds. 

3:30 We move to the back yard to check on the other gardens, play and,end up with kids in swimming suits in the sprinklers.

3:45 Still a bit chilly for sprinklers + the ants made an appearance so we head back inside for dry clothes.

4:00 I begin planning dinner, which was tricky as we really need to go grocery shopping.  I start cooking and talk to B about his video game.  B helps me with the dishes and M helps with the cooking. then the kids play make believe while I cook. I listen in as they pretend to be Doctors, serve each other pretend food, play with the big LEGO ships (M breaks one a little which of course = tears all around).  Dinner slowly comes together as they wander off to play in their room.

5:30 They come to check on me.  We place bets on when Daddy will be home and I join them playing in their room just  minutes before he arrives. 

5:40 Brent is home.  We have homemade empanadas and fresh watermelon for dinner outside.  This is followed by a rousing game of rock paper scissors, playing in the yard,a freak rain shower, ring around the rosie, frisbee, more pondering the garden and then accident has a potty training accident and it is time for her bath. 

6:40 I help M with her bath and watch her play.  The boys finish the dishes and have a bit of Wii fun.  I get M into her PJs and help Brent with the kid's laundry.  They each put their clothes away and Brent helps B with his game a bit before bath time.

7:20 - B takes his bath and M helps Brent start more kid laundry.  While Brent and B finish bath time, M supervises and then joins me for book time.  Before book time is over, Uncle Able and his laundry are here for laundry night.  The kids make it through teeth brushing, meds, potty time, hugs, and songs and head to sleep.  (Somewhere in here M is quoted as saying Hans Solo is her best friend -- which I found hilarious and Brent found totally normal).

8:00 - I talk to Able while he eats and works on laundry.  We hang out for awhile pondering baby names, wandering the internet, doing a bit more work, and catching up while his laundry runs.  Brent plays games online with friends.  I finish the book Chrissie gave me as a present last week and we discover it is 10:30 and I haven't done this post and Able needs to be home laundry or no. 

10:30 the process of posting begins and carries on until night time while Brent wraps up his internet wanderings and Able heads home leaving his laundry still in progress. 


Anonymous said...

Very cute kids! I like how much you journal your day. I need to do that more.

Jamie said...

I love that I randomly started my "week in the life" the same time as you and Audra! Yea!

If only I could write like you....

Can't wait to see those monkeys!

Audra said...

Omg loving the two piece bathing suit. If only I had Maggie's self confidence.


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