This is a "I don't feel much like writing" week. Apologies. These things go in cycles for me so I'm sure I'll be back around soonish.
1. Speaking of Sooners - this little guy had his first game day. He was definitely asleep before the game started and stayed that way until it was nearly over... after that, not so much luck. He and I mostly slept in a chair the rest of the night. Sigh.
2. I had so much fun talking running with Jamie while in TX. We even both got out the door between kid bedtime (8pm) and the game (9:30). It got dark faster than I'd guessed so much of my run/walk was lapping the elementary school as it is a somewhat unfamiliar neighborhood for me, but so glad I went. This was a big victory in a otherwise very splurgy weekend on the health/diet front...
3. E@12 weeks - This guy is 12 weeks old today. He likes to spend as much of his waking time as possible trying to figure out how to reliably get his fingers in his mouth and looking adorable. Otherwise, he is often found spitting up/vomiting on his Daddy or I. Sleep is in cycles - one day he gets up only once, the next a couple times. He does not get the whole sleeping in on vacation thing, but is again full of smiles to make up for it. He won the best traveler award on our way to Dallas and was easily the least cranky person on our trip down. The way back was a much different story and we spent 45 minutes at a Sonic in Galveston ( oops, apparently we took the long way home), ahem, Gainesville, trying to calm him down enough to continue (changed his clothes and diaper, cooled him with a wet rag, gave him tylenol, fed, burped and snuggled him, the works... still very unhappy.) I am reminded daily that I have just two weeks of maternity leave left with this little guy. Some days I am so heart broken by it and confused about how our family will function with out Lil' E and I taking care of all sorts of business during the day. Other days, I'm reminded that that working time calms my mind and makes me a better mom for everyone (not to mention the whole financing our life thing). I don't know, it is what it is.

4. These folks are awesome. They had a great time swimming with our family in TX. The Joneses have an awesome pool and they always have a great time together. And they make my heart happy:) We also had a ton of fun with our friends at the Vo birthday party. Crazily, I didn't take any pictures. I admit, I wasn't really feeling the photography this weekend, but did have a wonderful time just being with people we love. Thanks to everyone that made this whirlwind trip wonderful.
5. My brother and mom are opening Savory Spice Shop OKC in less than two weeks. The above image is a week or so old of some of the various cabinets and such so you can get a "taste" of the store's style. My bro is also the new "Magic Spice Man" on 104.1 KMGL - Basically, he has a live tailgating segment on this local radio station on Fridays through football season featuring grilling and recipes using Savory Spices. For those that are local, the store will be at 4400 N. Western in Oklahoma City.
6. The dryer is still broken --- we are doing a lot of hanging laundry out back and griping about the heat --- the incredible oppressive, horrible heat.
7. We are also doing roof and housing repair estimates at long last this week following the hail storm that happened in the last few days of May. We have one more company coming tomorrow and then will call to have the insurance adjuster come. Such a fun way to spend maternity leave (NOT).
8. This guy was so excited to be on the sidelines for M's first soccer practice of the season. Until he found out it wasn't as much fun as playing. When he ran off towards some bleachers, the entire team of three year olds took off chasing him, which was pretty entertaining all around. Again he, and we, were way too hot.
9. We went to B's Kindergarten Open House on Thursday. My take-aways, in very brief were: 1) there is a ton of paperwork on a daily and weekly basis. I have no idea how all the parents, let alone the teachers keep up; 2) I am worried he is going to bored on the reading front as the 40 sight words in the plan for this year are way behind where he is; 3) I am trying to trust that he will learn other important things like socialization and that they have a plan for adapting to kids entering at different levels, we shall see; 4) the parking remains nuts.
10. At long last we come to lady M. Really, she deserves her own for soccer practice post, but I don't see myself doing it so here is a recap.
Five three year olds and a coach that hasn't coached 3 yos before. She was the only girl and there was tons of chaos. She, however, did great. She listened, followed instructions, and generally was on task.
Yes, she rocked it all in her fluffy skirt and too big pink soccer ball. She has seen the girls on B's team wear their skirts and was happy in hers.
She was amazingly patient as the coach tried to herd people around and do drills. The kids were given some chase drills and would just keep chasing off the field forever and lots of rounding up had to be done. Again - way too hot and probably way too long for a first practice. We gently suggested ending it a bit early. Happily he agreed shortly thereafter (at 7:15, nearly 45 minutes in-- with three year olds!!!)

That tow headed bow reminded me a lot of Zane. I was so happy that she stayed in there, ran, and played hard, and did such a good job. We will see where the season takes us from here. We're a bit nervous about the team, but not about her so far, which is great.
Such a busy time for all of us and so much more to come. I'll be here trying to cool off and savor my last few maternity leave days with this precious boy.
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