Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

1. Recipe du jour - Baked Sweet Potato Fries- peel and cut two large sweet potatoes into strips.  Toss with 1/2 tsp Sweet Smoked Spanish Paprika, 2 tsp. of olive oil, 1 tsp salt, and 1/4 tsp of garlic powder.  Bake at 425 degrees for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. SO good.  Obviously any of these could be adjusted to taste, but the paprika on the fries was awesome. 

2.  This guy is having kind of a rough week.... or maybe just rough for the parents.  He seems to have decided that he is a newborn again and is waking up every three hours at night and we are so tired of it (literally and figuratively).  He again has a little sniffly cold, which may be part of it, but seriously, E? Also, he has learned sometime in the last several weeks to say "da da" and "ma ma" on occasion which makes it much harder to resist the middle of the night mutterings.   He is eating lots of finger foods now, spending a lot of time working on his crawling, and playing with Potsy quite a bit. 

3.  Brent has had the hiccups off and on (mostly on) for nearly 24 hours. I can't imagine how insane he is going because it is driving me crazy.  If it doesn't improve soon he's going to have to go to the Doctor. 

4.  B's birthday is the 20th and thus usually on inauguration day.  This is only the second inauguration with kids, but I have developed a habit of taking pictures of them during the swearing in or speech.  Here is M dancing during the speech (the boys were photographed, but just not as interesting). 

5.  It was also Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  Both of the big kids have been learning about him at school.  It is fascinating to hear their take-aways.  Here is M dancing in front of the MLK monument in DC.  (Yes, there is still a lot of dancing). 

6. Memory is amazing.  M noticed that all the people on TV had small American flags and somehow remembered where ours are and handed them out to the crowd.  Such a helper!  

7.  Hopefully I will post a full Birthday recap soon, but this is a fun story.  At the end of his birthday, B appeared in his new green lantern hooded towel and stood in front of me expectantly.  I   complimented his outfit and he stood there waiting.  Suddenly, I realized he was waiting for his picture to be taken.  I, of course, scrambled for the nearest camera as how often does this guy ask for his photo to be taken? So fun and handsome.

8. This week is the walk-a-thon at B's school to help raise money for the PE department.  If any of you would like to contribute or sponsor him let me know. So far, Grandma B. is the only one on the list, but I'm sure we'll toss in some too. 

9.  There is so much playing with F & P lately.  Now that their Mom and I can text each other the play dates happen more often and updates flow back and forth more easily. F & B love playing video games at our house and the girls sort of roam back and forth.  It is an interesting dynamic, but I think they all like it.

10. Ok, so for those keeping track at home, we have made it through three of the four planned birthday fetes for B.  The last being the one with his friends his own age on Sunday.  To make to Sunday though we have a week of Docto appts, dance, running, hiccups, a two birthday parties for M's friends, and book club.... not going to be boring at all.  I guess I'm glad we did most of the decorating a week early!

Happy Birthday B!  I hope all of you are doing well and thanks so much for those that came to the birthday celebrations so far or called, texted, etc... He is a well-loved guy and that means so much to us!

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