Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Interview: B @ 8

As many of you know, we do the same set of interview questions with our kids (over age 3) every six months.  Below is B's 8 year old interview.  Unlike some prior cycles a lot of answers have changed since he last took the survey in August!

1. How old are you? 8
2. Who is your best friend? Preston
3. What is your favorite thing to do? Play Minecraft*
4. What is your favorite color? Red
5.  What is your favorite food? Pizza*
6.  What do you like to do with your family? Bike rides*
7.  What is your favorite toy? Chewy (Chewbaca)*
8.  What do you want to be when you grow up? Astronaut
9.   What makes you happy? Video Games*
10.   What makes you sad? Not Getting to play video games
11.   What is your favorite show to watch? Max Steel*
12.   What is your favorite book? Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Titan's’ Curse  (Book 3)*
13.   What do you love to learn about: Math*
14.   What is the best part of being 8?  Being able to go to Ycade*
15.   Where do you like to go? Laser Quest
16.   Who is your teacher? Ms. Lorenz
17.  What is your favorite treat? Twizlers*
18.   What do you think about before you fall asleep? Nothing*
19.   If you could meet someone famous who would it be? Thomas Edison
20.   What was your favorite birthday present? Gusto (skylander)*

*Different from responses at 7.5
Recorded January 25, 2015

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