Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Ten on Tuesday

1.  Since Week in the Life ended I've taken approximately 4 photos.... I'm sure I'll return to it soon. One of them is above - Zane and Ro spent Monday morning with us while their mom went to the Doctor.  Then E and I headed to the Post Office and Lowes.  Things I wonder include how all of our family errands get done once I transition to nearly full time work next week.  (Did I mention that is happening?)

2.  Today was the fourth day of school.  Things that are becoming clear:

  • Kindergarteners are not the best conveyers of information.
  • Our schedule is going to be complicated with two kids in grade school who each have two activities for the fall (B - Baseball & Spanish; M - Dance & French).  Oh, and Sunday School for both. 
  • The bus ride is much shorter than before, which is awesome.
  • The new school has more shaded playgrounds and less parking issues
  • Lunch is a never ending topic of discussion. 

3. I'm currently reading the Fold.  It is really intense sci fi/suspense.  I found out about it from Rick Riordan's blog (the author of the Percy Jackson books).  It is definitely for adults, but also a cannot put down type book.  

4.  We are implementing a family-wide wake up time for the first time in forever.  This is tied to the fact that starting next week everyone in our family has somewhere to be by 8:15 at the latest.  This is more than an hour earlier than in the past.  Yes, I'm already mourning the end of my slow leisurely mornings.  E's school has a lot of random breaks so I'll try and take advantage of those and shift my days around to get some morning time.  I really do think the work schedule change is necessary and probably really good for me career-wise, but just because I want it doesn't mean I'm not going to mourn these other things....like getting to sleep in a bit when I want to.  I suppose I'll need to put the book down and go to sleep earlier at night.

5.  I've been contemplating a lot of purchases of late. The new house "needs" a variety of things to make it fully usable, repaired, comfortable, or pretty.  It is so hard to decide what to do now and what to wait on.  There are limited amounts of money left for these decisions, at least until I start working more.  I keep saying I'm going to wait... but then get tempted by something.  I do, for example, really want/need a chair for the office so Brent and I can have our "alone together" time at night.  I "think" I've selected the chair, but it costs about $700 including shipping, tax, etc... I want to buy a piece that will last, but cannot decide when to pull the trigger and keep thinking there will be a sale as West Elm constantly has sales. Realistically, should pay off the credit card first and not spend money I haven't yet made in the job transition --- rambling.

6.  M seems to be making lots of friends, but remains very confused that a boy invited her to his birthday party this weekend.  It turns out several other people in her class are turning six this month so she isn't dramatically the oldest.  She does seem a bit tired and definitely over excited by everything. I very much hope this gasping trend passes soon.  Overall, I think she is transitioning well save for a few nerves about the bus process.  B continues to be a great help.

7.  B is not making friends as quickly.  This was to be expected as he is joining a grade where friendships are already in place.  He is starting to think that maybe he just won't be friends with half the class this year and was thinking about stopping working on it.  We've agree to a goal of three friends by the end of the year and that he will continue to try to work on that.  He does seem genuinely happy though and comes home "up." each day so I'm not particularly worried, just sad he's lost his big crew of friends from the other school.  He does love all the new lunch options the district has added this year and is being a super helper with M.

8.  E is still on the potty training struggle bus. We've moved on to bigger bribes.  Today, we picked out a ninja turtle toy he cannot have until he poops in the potty five times.  He has managed it more times than that in the past, but not consistently.  The plan has already caused several melt downs as I'm not sure he can grasp delayed gratification, but is getting smaller candy/tiny toy things at each step.  I am loving our time together and notice it is strangely quiet without the bigger kids.  He definitely moves at a slow pace so there is lots of waiting for him to rejoin me when we go out and about. I love it when he tells me stories and gets so excited about things.  I hope he likes his new school next week.

9. Brent has repaired his computer, which is a major victory.  It was built for him by friends so it isn't exactly a standard out of the box operation and I think I probably would have tossed it, but he/they sorted out a repair idea and it seems to be working well again, which is good for all of his as he needs a stress relief outlet too.

10. We had these BBQ Turkey Lettuce wraps for dinner tonight with Brent's parents who were watching the kids for parent orientation part 1.  They were very simple and a big hit.  

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