Tuesday, May 17, 2016

WITL 2016: Tuesday

 Tuesday- Already missing my DSLR... In any case, a lot of photos still and a little trouble convincing myself to organize them this evening.  The above title page is E outside his school at pickup.  He hops on these rocks as we depart almost daily.
 Tuesday morning - The picture of M not being a morning person didn't make the cut as there are so many of my visit to B's school today. I may make a collage of random morning pictures later or scrapbook it separately? The stories here are:

  • I finally made it to lunch with B.  We used to do this monthly, but it has taken up to the last week of school this time.  WE had fun and I went to recess with him too.  SO chilly!
  • B plays video games in very designated blocks.  This was in the morning cycle after he was completely ready for school.
  • B eating breakfast.  He falls somewhere between M & E on morning attitude.  Probably the most chill as he volunteers to wake up before he has to (see video game time).  Also randomly often puts on his daytime pants without his daytime shirt of late.  Also eats breakfast more than once before leaving.  Starts with cereal, but eventually has something else like yogurt, crackers, dried cranberries, cheese, etc...
  • E, once awake, is his full silly self.  He doesn't wake up early and sometimes need some help moving along, but is probably the most energetic of our crew in the morning. Above he is surfing/getting dressed. I should specify that his energy is rarely directed toward the actual getting ready tasks...
  • M checking out the lunch menu - a near daily task- here in the final week she seems to be moving back to bringing her lunch box.  
  • B sitting in line with R waiting to return to class after recess.  We shot hoops, played four-square, and a few other random games B came up with before R joined for catch.  Came to the sad realization that B often spends recess alone, but he seems fine with that and has a routine? I'm sure I'm overthinking this..
  • The day I finally made it to lunch happened to feature frito chili pie & cinnamon rolls.  The cinnamon rolls did not meet the standard of my elementary school, but were still good:)

Part 2 - full of random and missing bits.  In the course of the week I have to assume we'll hit the basics, maybe just not all in one day.

from top left:

  • E being cute while he is supposed to be cleaning his room.
  • M&E made a bunch of pillow/blanket beds, nests, etc... after dinner.  This is one of their creations.  They have great imaginations and play so well together right now.
  • Me working in fingerless gloves.  There are many attempts at this selfie as I was trying to show my new GW gloves and not look crazy. I mostly decided I am looking more middle-aged and settled for this one. This whole headset, gloves, makeup/on camera look is now standard as video calls arrive at random. I most likely am wearing jeans with it any given day.  Also played with a variation on the chignon today.  Added bobby pins as I found them around the house.  So random, but I'm keeping myself in the story!
  • Before dinner (after room cleaning) M & E played with minecraft figures while B was actually playing minecraft downstairs. I joined them intermittently between making dinner.  It was a fun game.
  • Brent reading Harry Potter while E "reads" Ninjago.  Book 7 of Harry Potter is pretty intense, just as I'm sure you recall.
  • B looking at a summer camp brochure.  We finally found a camp we both agree on - Brixology- Engineers Shape the World -- which actually manages to not conflict with swim team or our other obligations and is nearby.  And engineering intro + LEGO sounds great.
  • Bathtime with E.  Brent is usually in charge of baths, but was playing a game with B so I joined in and discovered M has pretty much dumped a HUGE amount of soap into baths over a couple weeks that should have lasted maybe 4 months...grrrr.
Not pictured - after bedtime reading and yoga for me and Brent & Gavin gaming.  Also things like dinner, going through all B's returning school supplies and M"s returning projects, the kids playing piranas, lots of chores, Brent working, etc...

Gratitude - I am thankful for getting to spend one-on-one time with each of our kids.  Sometimes it is tricky; always it is awesome.

Overheard: B: I am a canibal so I eat you (eating sounds); M: I don't want to be eaten; E: I want to be eaten! and be a canibal and a piranah.  E really wants B's attention.  B loves driving M crazy (as brother's do).  This ended in a stalemate, but was revealing of their normal reactions.

Observations: M&E have amazing imaginations and daily create new fascinating scenarios, games, activities, and missions to play through together.  I love to watch them play. 

Note. I am still toying with format.  Leaning towards 6x8 with a title 6x8 photo, 2 collages with a center 3x8 with the times and general journaling.  The back page with be a a different feature of the day - so maybe day 1 - food; day 2 - morning approach, etc... We'll see. In concept the bonus journaling for the day would be 3x8 with two 3x4 pictures next to it.  

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