Wednesday, July 20, 2016

E @ 4 - a year in pictures

We are well past E's birthday, but I do still have some birthday posts to share, slowly but surely. 

 June 2013 - on this actual birthday.  Love how happy the cupcakes made him.
July 4, 2015 - at National Airport in DC - eating yogurt while waiting to watch the DC fireworks. Perfectly summer.
August 2015 - On our one and only trip to the Zoo just the two of us with his brand new Cheetah who is still one of his favorites. 

 September 2015 - the first day of school for our silly boy
 October 2015 - he was a dragon for Halloween. The costume is from Aunt Audra and so perfectly comfortable and exactly what he wanted.
November 2015 - Photos by Heather Warren - Love his little grins. He sure can rock the hats!
 December 2015 - This pretty much sums up E in December - silly hat, fun new toys, PJs near the Christmas Tree.
January 2016 - Yes, I cannot get over his smiles, particularly in costumes.  Sensing a theme? (Hint, it continues below--he is just too adorable for words). 
 February 2016 - falling asleep while listening to Brent read Harry Potter and snuggling me... which I will take any day.

 March 2015 - He loves costumes!

 April 2016 - Red & White game and pure awesome

 May 2016 - Dressed up for the Mother's Day Tea, the Last day of preschool, and photo by Heather Warren
June - Sweet birthday photo with his new ninja turtle from the Wainrights.  He loves it. 

Our kids were talking about their "super powers" today.  I think possibly E's is his smile - it is magical, varied, and transformative.  He is quite the charmer and I absolutely adore all his many expressions, but especially those smiles.

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