Friday, July 8, 2016

Five on Friday

Yes, it has been a long time, but I'm looking for some happy thoughts, you?

1. Love Makes the World Go Round - Lopez/Miranda - released last night to benefit the victims of Orlando, but released into the middle of the tragedy in Dallas.

2. US Women's Gymnastics Olympic Trials - Yes, I am a super fan and love the stories as much as the gymnastics, but now is a great time to join in the pre-Olympic fun.  You can watch Friday (starting at 7:30 central) and Sunday (starting at 7 central).  You can view online streaming or via NBC and its affiliates. depending on the day. (Get specifics here).

3. Healthy Meal ideas -  via Heart of Light - these all look delicious today.  I've used a lot of recipes from this blogger and her menu plans in the past.  Give it a look if you'd like to try some new ideas and maybe learn to love lentils.

4.  TeeRico Love is Love T-shirt - more support for orlando. I love the back of the shirt (pictured above) the most.

5. Challenge - Look for beauty.  I think we could all use some beauty, peace and encouragement today. I went out this morning and walked through my gardens in the rain just as our parents taught us to do. I sought peace and hope.  I challenge you to do the same in your own way.  Above are two of the photos from my walk.  Share yours or a link to something that is inspiring you and helping you find beauty, peace, and hope. 

1 comment:

Debra Dotter Blakley said...

This is all great stuff. Thanks for working for peace and understanding, for growing in beauty and depth, for all the good things you do for your family and friends. There is much to be done, there is much to learn, there is love to give.


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