Our little guy is feeling quite independent these days. My parents were here yesterday while their car was in the shop and got to spend the night when it wasn't properly fixed. We had a fabulous time and B got to play all sorts of games with them (including chasing bugs which is awesome fun for a two year old).
As it approached time for them to leave today. He told us he wanted to go to the farm. Brent and I calmly explained that Mama and Daddy couldn't go to the farm today. He responded by telling each of us "you stay here." Thus begins his self-decided trip to the farm with Grandma and Grandpa. All the adults were OK with it if a bit tentative about how he would do overnight. He has, of course, spent the night there before a few times, and starts missing us around bed time or on the second day. This is the first time that I can think of though that the trip is on his own initiative. We shall see. I hope they have a fabulous time and at some level love his independent streak.... do miss him just a little and know it means he is growing up.
Meanwhile, as we're still awaiting baby sister, maybe after I finish working for the day Brent and I will go on a grown-up date of some kind. That is a pretty nice pre-baby gift - thank you Mr. Independent (and your grandparents too!)
I keep checking hoping your little one has arrived. Not sure how you feel about this, but the night before I went into labor with both K and C I had Eggplant Parmesan (from Johnny Carino's) and a glass of red wine. It's the only wine I had all pregnancy and I don't know if it was just coincidence, but it seemed to get things moving for me! Good luck and hope to hear something soon!
Hi! Oddly based on your blog I did try the Eggplant Parmesan a week or so ago at Johnny Carino's with no luck :( I would love a sip of white wine though.... very tempting.
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