Friday, April 2, 2010

Garden Update

Today, my dear Mary gently reminded me that my blogworld was sorely lacking in garden updates. I admit, I haven't quite figured out how to chronicle this project. It is tricky with something that changes all the time and yet doesn't change alot. I decided to go with a collage and some highlights here for now and we'll see what happens.

At this point everything is pretty much up other than the chives. The radishes appear to be thriving and we have a veritable radish forest. This is pretty ridiculous given that we don't really eat radishes and just planted them to help the carrots which, at the moment, they seem to be hindering. In short, some radishes have been thinned out. The spinach and lettuce will need thining soon.

The garden survived a snow at the one week mark.  B and I covered everything in trash bags and weighed them down with his various toys and some sticks.  The herbs got little domes made out of bowls.  I think everything came through pretty well and the snow melted two days later.  B has been a fabulous helper.  He waters everything with me frequently and likes checking on the progress.  He helps a bit with the thinning under very close supervision.  He also has firm conversations with his Grandparents about how we need more dirt and they promise they are bringing some today.

There are some pictures here of the front beds too as the bulbs and Bradford pear are starting to bloom.  This really is one of my favorite times of year if not for the allergies and the INSANE Oklahoma wind we've been having.  Deep breaths. Just going to focus on the flowers and my adorable kids, thank you very much.

I'll try to update more frequently and would be interested to hear what you'd like to know about as our garden project progresses.  Happy Spring!
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