Friday, May 21, 2010

Five on Friday: Inspirations

Not necessarily a weekly thing, but had a few more things to share and Brent thought this would be a fun back-up slot for them. Both Ali Edwards and Mir at Woulda Coulda Shoulda had interesting lists this week of things that are inspiring them just now which made me think about what might be inspiring me.  Here are the five things that came to mind.

1. Elizabeth Kartcher has been making all sorts of interesting flower and ruffle t-shirts that I think are so lovely. I don't actually have a sewing machine and don't know that I'll try remaking them, but like similar things such as this little girl's shirt from J-Crew.  I just love how feminine the look is and feel like my own clothes are a tiny bit more lady like since Miss M's arrival. I "might" manage to get some ruffles into my scrapbooking or craft project if we're lucky.

2.  Stacy Julian has a periodic color challenge on her blog that I've started participating in.  The challenges include a specified palette and usually some additional items to include.  The most recent one included a prompt is found here and is open through June 3rd.  I completed my submission yesterday with journaling both about the books I've read in the last few months and also about how important it is that I find time to read and do other things that are good for me even while busy with kids, family and work.

3. I have to agree with Mir that this random acts of kindness birthday post is the coolest and we really need to do more of this in our lives.  It sounds like something my Mom might do and even something my friends and I would have done in college (but probably not all in one day).  Inspired to think of ways to begin with my kids.

4. Good to the Grain: Baking with Whole-Grain Flours has been reviewed on many blogs I read (here for example).  I'm fascinated by the thought of using all kinds of flours to enhance the taste and variety of food as well as the health quotient.  It is definitely on my wish list.  Here's hoping I take up the challenge to try something new, which is oddly a rather old concept.

5. I happened on to Amanda's blog via the comments on Ali's blog as her's was just above mine.  She had done a five random things posting as well and included Wordle. * Basically, you enter the URL of most any blog and it will create a bit of art out of common words on that blog.  I had to try it immediately and loved playing with it.  I think it pulls mostly from recent postings as I did it today and a couple days ago and you can see the differences in its choices below.

*Edited - Wordle Link has been fixed.
(Ps - Any of my blogging friends interested in sharing their five random things this week? I'd love more inspiration!)

1 comment:

Cotterman Chaos said...

I recently won a Wordle that used the Gettysburg Address in it. it was an outstanding piece of artwork and is just beautiful.


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