Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1.  I am in a place this evening where lots of things I "should" do and not as many I "want to do.  Where to begin?

2.  Exercise!  Last week I didn't remember to add it to my Ten on Tuesday, but did make my three days.  This week -- 1 day.  I ran today, outside, and am so glad.  That said, it was not easy, at all.  I am now running only one day a week to try and deal with my feet/hip issue and because with short days I mostly have to rely on the treadmill, which I still don't like.  Thank goodness for some good tunes and every motivational trick I could think of. I made it the three miles.  I did walk briefly twice, but made it 18 minutes before a rest and after not having run in nearly two weeks I feel OK about it.  I am glad I am still running at 15+ weeks pregnant.  I still like running outside. I know it would feel better/be easier if I could do it more often so my resolution for January is to find a decent Doctor to help with my feet.

3.  December Daily - I had just told Brent I was done with it and needed to step away for awhile.  My plan was to revert back to last year's model and just do the journaling and pics and craft later (I miss/need to do 12x12 layouts it has been nearly a month!).  Then, I happened onto this post by Lisa Truesdell.  It reminded me that the journaling doesn't need to be paragraphs, it can be lines.  The decorations don't need to be complicated. I don't need huge or many photos.  It is ok, to be short and simple.  It is doable.  Maybe I'll do just a bit more....

4.   Today was awesome. Brent was a house husband today as the state government was closed, but my work was not.  I left the office door open and watch him build Lego wonders with the kids in the bright morning light as they sang along to kids' songs on the iPad.  He ran errands, and brought me lunch.  The kids laughed and played and each got to "do their thing" with Dad and soon I was free too.  It was so lovely.

5.  Tomorrow, we all go back to work/childcare/camp, etc... for two days.  I really can't complain, but found myself missing extended breaks of yesteryear.  I will start work early to try to fit a day in while B is at Zoo camp. Brent will take M to Ms Kim's and head to work.  In the afternoon though, the kids and I will play and nap and wait for Daddy to come home.  Then, Friday will return with another 4 days together.  There are many less plans for these four days than for the last and we'll try to savor them.

6.  I have a Dr. Apt. on Friday with my OB.  It is my 16 week exam plus some tests they need to run on me.  I've been wandering around feeling fine about them, but as it nears I can feel myself getting paranoid all over again.  Pray that I am fine, for all our sakes--- odds are very, very high that I aim, but I fret, you know.

7. I can feel the baby move.  I don't think I've mentioned it here, but I've been able to for a couple weeks.  It is early, but I think at the third time round it is a bit easier as I know what I'm feeling for.  The movements became much bigger this weekend though, which is kinda fun.  I will love it even more when Brent can share in the fun.

8.  I've just begun planning B's various birthday parties.  I'm hosting one group party for B, Brent and Gavin (and maybe the Robledos too).  I am still figuring out how to mesh the school friends/family party and what that might be this year. Tricky that it is so close to Christmas/New Year's as I always get distracted from my planning.  I "think" that we'll have a loose Mario theme, but still a bit unsure.

9.  We did, at last, finish our refinancing.  Late into the 23rd -- the last day to close this year.  The notary was way over the top and it took way longer than it needed to.  Brent and I left it quite cranky, but happy that it is finally out of the way.

10.  Next up is car shopping.  No, we have no clue what to get.  We are tempted by the Enclave, but it doesn't have much storage room and our jogging stroller only barely fits.  It is so pretty to look at though, comfortable, and so quiet.  Suppose we'll have to look at minivans too.  Just not digging them conceptually.  Thoughts?

Hope you all have a lovely week!

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