Friday, February 3, 2012

Five on Friday

1.  First up - thoughts on parenting and lessons for Stay At Home Moms (SAHMs) or SAHDs learned from moms that work out of the home via Motherhood Uncensored.

2.  I also enjoyed this piece on why we exercise from Karen.  I very much exercise for my mental health as much as my physical health.  Having a baby is its own kind of marathon for me mentally and physically and I need every bit of the training in the gym to pull it off as well as being a wife, mom, friend, sister, good employee, etc...

3.  In true pregnancy style, my face has been a broken out blotchy mess for most of the last five months.  I caved and decided to buy some better facial products and see if maybe that would help a bit. I decided to follow Rebecca's suggestions on Girl's Gone Child and have been using DDF Aloe Toning Complex and Josie Maran Argan Cleansing Oil .*  I started with just the toner, which did, indeed leave my skin feeling dewy, and was just fun to use. More recently, I added the cleanser and as weird as it is to was with oil, it seems to be work.  Of course, it could just be a second trimester miracle of hormone changes, but so far, I'm very happy!
Image from Wild Things Dresses
4.  Check out this adorable toddler mouse dress from wild things dresses. So fun!  They have several other animals and insects.  I love the whimsy in the design, but still very functional too.

Image and item from littlealouette

5. How cute is this baby teether?  Wooden Ampersand-- yes, please. They actually have so many adorable wooden teethers and other toys.  Alternatively, check out the below.  You can get state teethers via Little Sapling Toys.  Of course, ours would need to say "Boomer Sooner."  I admit we've never had wooden teethers and $20 seems a bit rich for wood for a baby to chew on.  I have to admit that I'm still tempted.
Image and item via Little Sapling Toys
If you made it to here and are somehow hoping for something a bit more geeky than baby related-- I have a bonus link to some very cool Star Wars Typography art -- check it out!

* affiliate links

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