Sunday, February 19, 2012

Scrappy Sunday

This week, I got to play with some of the new Neapolitan collection by Dear Lizzy for American Crafts.  I love the spring colors, even if I was using them here for a story from last fall.  The ruffle is from the Pink Paislee mistables collection and was sprayed with Mister Huey in "Dewey."  Happily, it matches the Dear Lizzy mini stickers very nicely!  If you look closely in the upper left you can see my first attempt at the SC butterfly mask, it is very subtle here with some Mister Huey in Cameo.

This next set is a two page spread (gasp!) Yes, I still do them once in awhile.  This one is technically two and a half pages and an experiment with some of the new page protectors that are very popular.  Here's how it works.  Above is the left hand page.
Next, is this half page, full of photos, with the reverse side just below.

One slot in this side has a little story about watching the kids exploring nature and watching the animal feeding demonstrations.
This is the right page with the bulk of the journaling and even more pictures!

Together, the whole set will look like this (see above and below).

The pages are tied together both by the center and by a general color scheme/design.  Things got a bit more busy that I'd like on the embellishing front, in part, to cover some smudges of paint that weren't quite dry. (Oops! -- Yes, I admit, I still do cover mistakes with embellishments or pictures, etc...don't you?)

This last page is my mommy-daughter page of the week.  M came by to see me as I was finishing the above page set and wanted to do her own page.  We found this random picture of B in my  "to scrap" pile and she went to work.  It is even a bit more colorful that it looks in the photograph and has a few random things I wouldn't choose, but she did enjoy sprinkling pearls all around the page, as do I.

I made all these pages yesterday through this morning.  Having a "deadline" of showing you something today did encourage me to get started and just play and I'm very glad I did!
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