Friday, February 17, 2012

Five on Friday

Web wonders for your Friday!  This episode is a bit heavy on thoughts for our new little guy, but so much to ponder.

1)  I happened onto Geekling Designs via Cool Mom Tech. I immediately sent Brent links to at least four different things, but the below onesie might be my favorite. (Heads up Uncle Able, there are lots of Tot Dr. Who goodies here...)

Image and onesie Via Geekling Designs.

2).  I just discovered that Disney has a broken/scratched DVD return system.  MANY DVDs suffer this fate at our house so I plan to try it.  You can even do it with movies that are currently in the "vault" that you could not otherwise replace!  I wonder if Wall-E is covered?

3) So baby hats, we always forget to procure them before the baby is born.  With M, the idea was that hey, it is 100 degrees outside surely she doesn't need a hat... she did.  You see babies lose a lot of heat out of their heads, and are not so great at regulating their body temperature in those first few hours.  My new plan is to find something very cute to bring with us to the hospital so that we are prepared this time (and the pics will be more adorable than say the striped hats, you know the ones?)  It might also possibly save my mom her ritual trip to Target to find something for the poor little guy whose parents keep forgetting about hats.  Third times the charm!  All that rambling is to say, isn't this mushroom hat adorable?  The site has several more and I'm so tempted to buy, but suspect my knit/crochet buddies "might" make me something themselves which would make it even more special.  Tracie/Sarah-- What do you think?

You can find this hat and this image at AmiAmigos.
  4) I'm also pondering the nursery updates.  We currently have this wall of flower prints above the changing table which doesn't seem quite right for our new little man.  I wonder if we could make up with something like this cool crossword wall art? I think his Daddy would definitely be a fan and I bet together we can come up with an awesome DIY version for WAY less than the $500 price tag at Posh Tots.

Found Via The Style Files which credits Posh Tots
5) You see lots of pregnant/new mom shirts that are full of clever sayings, but not so much for the Dads.  My friend Sarah pinned this recently and I admit I'm tempted:)

Image and gift via Zoey's Attic
 Any other baby to be or kid inspiration this week?   I'll be back next Friday with perhaps a more balanced selection of cool finds.  Happy Web Wanderings!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

love the crossword idea!


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