Wednesday, June 13, 2012

12 on the 12th - Welcoming Everett!

A few more images from our very special 12 on the 12th.

1.  Daddy running our social media empire.
2.  Mama and the new boy
3. Clean up time with the nurse
4. Big sister, Grammie, and E
5. Granddaddy and E
6. Big Brother and lil' bro
7. Lots and lots of snuggle time
8. M loving on her E
9. Sweet baby with goopy eyes
10. M, Daddy and E getting aquainted
11. E Thundering UP - day 1
12. Fraunt Tracie!
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Audra said...

I love that Tracie held him on day one, she has made such progress. Best 12 on the 12th ever. I once again forgot but my twelve was very boring. Love you all!!!!!

Heather said...

This is just adorable! Your new little boy is amazing! I hope you are all loving these life-changing first few days together.


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