2. The next of these "lasts" included lunch with Daddy at OSSM. This is something we did a lot in the first couple years in Oklahoma, but now can virtually never do with my work and their school hours conflicting with lunch. It was fun to do it one more time, if a bit crazy with all three. After that, we headed to the library one "last" time. They picked out books in record time so they could play on this play structure. I was fairly amazed to have done OK with all three outings in one day, but happy.
3. On Sunday, we watched the Hopper kids while their parents were busy/away. It was a riot. As you can see, Connect Four now has dimensional versions and M finds it quite exciting.
4. The big hit of the play fun (and eventual cause of things coming apart a bit) was this treasure hunt game we have. Someone hides a trail of the provided clues around the house and then the kids find them. Happily, Nate and B are old enough to read the clues which makes it much more fun. Brent (above) was being the puzzlemaster and "might" have taken his sweet time with all the big kids in hiding :) This game is a definite favorite these days. People like my mom ( and I suspect Chrissie) have long made their own version of this game with home grown clues, but we quite enjoy having a set already provided. Perhaps when they tire of these we'll add our own.
5. Delightfully, the weather has finally cooled just a bit (to the low 90s, if that is cool? Some days have been closer to 80, which was amazing and there was even rain!). We have taken advantage of the cooler weather to do a bit of bike riding, playing int he yard, and dining al fresco out back. These few days where the temperature is not miserable are my favorite evenings. I so enjoy it when we spend time together out back as a family. Perhaps I am ready for fall after all?
6. The Morans are in town visiting and we've been lucky enough to see them two days in a row! Today, they came by the house for a longer chat and extra time to admire our babies. Isaac (left, but you guessed, right?) was born in March and E is about three months younger. I loved visiting with them and watching them interact with both our babies. They are already amazing parents on top of being wonderful friends. Thank you so much for stopping by Moran crew! I cannot imagine how much fun these boys are going to have on their occasional visits in coming years. I so hope that E and I can make a trip to El Paso to visit too.
7. Today was the first day of M's dance/gymanstics combo class. She did so very well. We walked into the ballet room and she promptly found an X on the floor, changed into her ballet shoes on her own, and sat down ready to go. She does the dance portion first and parents don't get to stay on the first day so I had to miss it and say goodbye. She was just a tiny bit almost teary rubbing her eyes as I walked out, but 25 min later when I came in to get her shoes before the gymnastics portion she was very happy, confident, and full of smiles. They had a dance party with a mirror ball towards the end, which was quite fancy. Happily, as I watched the gymnastics portion through the glass she listened, followed instructions, and did all the circuits without wandering off and was largely able to do everything by herself without assistance. I was quite impressed. She loved it and claims that both parts were her favorite:) The dance portion next week will be Tap and I'll get to watch-- very exciting. Tomorrow is her first day of school as well so lots of excitement for her.

8. This doesn't quite merit its own Taste of Summer dish as it is neither my own original concoction nor a long time family favorite. It was quite good though. I started with this recipe for Chicken, Zucchini, and Pineapple Kebabs, but crazily don't have a grill. (We'll skip the why on that, ok?) Anyway, when adapting grill recipes, the key is largely very high heat as you are looking to recreate the searing effect inside. It worked well, actually and provided a healthy delicious supper.
9. B continues to be very happy with Kindergarten. Today he had music class for the first time. I'm not sure what happened other than his teacher was a boy and they sung a silly song about bees. They also had their first computer lab time today--- something about the alphabet? In proud mothering moments today, he came home with a smiley face stamp on his hand today. I am told he was one of three people to get the stamp because they did not complain about anything and did just what they were supposed to do:) Otherwise, we are getting a lot of information about lunch, a little about other things, and not very much about his classmates. I suspect we may get a bit more information about substance in the Thursday folders?
10. Last, but not least, E @10 Weeks: This week his hands seem to be finding each other a bit more which is cute. He is also smiling more and making more cooing and guuh sounds-- I'm a big fan. Nursing appears to be declining fairly dramatically and his intake of formula seems to be increasing substantially as well -- nearly 6-8 oz a feed up from 4ish... He is also sucking on his fingers more. Some days he is interested in a paci, but often he is not. His siblings continue to adore him. M has gotten extra time with him since B's school's started and is showering him with hugs and kisses. Brent is getting tempted to sleep train him. It seems a bit early to be too intense about it for me. On Thursday, we're doing the first of the babysitter interviews. Hopefully that will go well, although I'm in denial about the having to leave him with someone else thing as usual. Starting tomorrow, he and I will begin getting a lot more one on one time. Normally, that would be true throughout maternity leave, but just hasn't been how this one worked. I am looking forward to it and to being able to watch and snuggle him in a more focused way for at least a portion of these remaining few weeks before I go back to work...... Such a lovely snuggle bug:)
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