Saturday, June 13, 2015

E @ 3 - Birthday Interview

E on his 3rd Birthday with doughnut frosting on his face.
Traditionally, we ask our kids the below list of questions about every six months from the time they are three. This means, this is E's very first Birthday quiz! It is a little tricky with a three year old, but also very entertaining :)

1. How old are you? 3
2. Who is your best friend? Gray
3. What is your favorite thing to do? Play with my toys
4. What is your favorite color? Green
5. What is your favorite food? Doughnuts
6. What do you like to do with your family? Walk with them
7. What is your favorite toy? Batman (all the batman things)
8. What do you want to be when you grow up? grown up with Batmans
9.    What makes you happy? Maggie and Daddy
10.   What makes you sad? Putting away my clothes
11.   What is your favorite show to watch? Everything is Awesome (Lego Movie
12.   What is your favorite book? Jake and the Neverland Pirates book
13.   What do you love to learn about: the TV
14.   What was the best part of your birthday? guys - happy birthday
15.   Where do you like to go? Park - likes them all
16.   Who is your teacher? Ms Jenny
17.  What is your favorite treat? Candy
18.   What do you think about before you fall asleep? Everything is Awesome
19.   If you could meet someone famous who would it be? Everything is Awesome and Uncle Able
20.   What was your favorite thing we did at your birthday party? Batman toys

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