1. Pregnancy news - Hooray! The ultrasound is scheduled at long last for January 23rd. So, I'd guess you'll hear a gender announcement shortly thereafter. Due to various heart issues in my family and some other vague history issues I'm having a level 2 ultrasound. I had one before with B so we're "used" to it. It will be a bit longer, more in depth, and involves some general counseling. Here's hoping all is well!
2. In other pregnancy news, my hormones are in a complete spin this week, lots of crying, ranting, memory loss, and generally being emotional. You got a demo of that in the basketball post and I am so sorry if my venting six months of pent up parenting sadness/frustration was in anyway concerning or made you sad too. Everything is OK. We so appreciate all the people that come to B's games and your support for him and our family. What I forgot to say in that emotional hurricane was the most important part --- Thank you so much for loving him and us too.
3. Feet/Exercise - So, I met my new years resolution to go see the Doctor about my feet and it was completely worthless as she basically told me to try all the things I've ALREADY been trying for six months, plus maybe not do any of the exercise I enjoy, and wear night splints. If I stop exercising I'll gain 50 pounds and be depressed so that seems a bad choice as obviously weighing less would be better for all these ailments. I'm instead carefully structuring my exercise and leaving lots of recovering time between rounds. Oh, and I did buy the night splints so I'll let you know how that goes. (Exercise report -- three days last week with my usual mix of belly dance, and double zumba. Didn't get to run/swim this week, but felt good).
4. Recipe Notes: We tried a few new things this week. These calzones were fine, and a quick alternative if you "remember" to thaw the dough, but somehow didn't have time to make dough yourself? I did try Newman's own four cheese pasta sauce with them and loved that. (Yes, sigh, didn't make my own sauce this time). The far and away favorite of the week was the Oatmeal Pancakes from Good to the Grain: Baking with Whole-Grain Flours
. (You can find the Smitten Kitchen take on them here... or buy the book, because it is awesome). I also made these granola balls and have been enjoying them for breakfast and an occasional more healthful snack.
5. Restaurant Review: We, oddly, ate out a couple times this week. (OK, yes, I have groupons, etc... expiring and I like using my KeepitLocal Card).
7. Nesting mode may be starting. I seriously want to decorate/paint/pretty-up our house just a bit. I'm starting to flip through things and pinning them to my boards. (For example, isn't this tile beyond gorgeous--- probably not happening here, but so lovely). I really need to pick a paint color for the central area of my house, but can't seem to get over that hump into imagining how I want it to be.
8. Have you read about the traveling red dress project that the Bloggess is doing? I think it is fabulous and so does Forbes. (You can read their review here).
9. More pregnancy induced crying this week came from this adoption video (vial Kelly Moore) and this sad/beautiful story of joy in sadness (via Ali Edwards).
10. Upcoming projects include buying bunk beds and buying a larger car. We appreciate any thoughts on either. For bunk beds, we have been out looking and our criteria (Sarah starts cringing here as my furniture criteria does tend to get out of control)... anyway, we want wooden bunk beds, no more than 5 feet 9 in. tall, that preferably incorporate storage, and/or a desk/bookshelf combo. We'd "like" to not spend more than $1000 on beds or beds + dresser, which seems eminently doable, but also don't want them to fall apart. Where should we be looking?
Thanks for your help and for hanging with me through the many moods of pregnancy. I'll try to chill a bit this week and talk to you soon!
2. In other pregnancy news, my hormones are in a complete spin this week, lots of crying, ranting, memory loss, and generally being emotional. You got a demo of that in the basketball post and I am so sorry if my venting six months of pent up parenting sadness/frustration was in anyway concerning or made you sad too. Everything is OK. We so appreciate all the people that come to B's games and your support for him and our family. What I forgot to say in that emotional hurricane was the most important part --- Thank you so much for loving him and us too.
3. Feet/Exercise - So, I met my new years resolution to go see the Doctor about my feet and it was completely worthless as she basically told me to try all the things I've ALREADY been trying for six months, plus maybe not do any of the exercise I enjoy, and wear night splints. If I stop exercising I'll gain 50 pounds and be depressed so that seems a bad choice as obviously weighing less would be better for all these ailments. I'm instead carefully structuring my exercise and leaving lots of recovering time between rounds. Oh, and I did buy the night splints so I'll let you know how that goes. (Exercise report -- three days last week with my usual mix of belly dance, and double zumba. Didn't get to run/swim this week, but felt good).
4. Recipe Notes: We tried a few new things this week. These calzones were fine, and a quick alternative if you "remember" to thaw the dough, but somehow didn't have time to make dough yourself? I did try Newman's own four cheese pasta sauce with them and loved that. (Yes, sigh, didn't make my own sauce this time). The far and away favorite of the week was the Oatmeal Pancakes from Good to the Grain: Baking with Whole-Grain Flours
5. Restaurant Review: We, oddly, ate out a couple times this week. (OK, yes, I have groupons, etc... expiring and I like using my KeepitLocal Card).
- Victoria's - We managed a family dinner in Norman with the Palfreymans. The cheese bread remains spectacular. The lasagna rolls were wildly cheesy as usual, the company was exceptional. Sad to report that Gavin somehow got mushrooms in his food and got sick :(
- Crimson & Whipped Cream Bakery - We also went next door to Crimson Bakery and had some tasty treats. B loved his oatmeal cream pie and I sort of wished I'd had one too as my whoopie pie was fairly average. I think the kids mostly loved running up and down the long hall and hiding in the photo booth, but whatever works!
- Jo's Famous Pizza (OKC location) -- this was a weird place. There were no plates, or pans or anything. Rather, everything and I do mean EVERYTHING was served on cardboard rounds, which for some reason bothered me. Their cheese bread was a very very blah version (particularly after having had Victoria's earlier in the week). The pizza was so-so. I liked M's pepperoni version with a nice crispy crust, but Brent and I had canadian bacon & italian meatballs... and the canadian bacon was minced into teeny pieces? It was an odd texture and not too good. (Admit, I spent part of the meal reminiscing about Humble Pie in Edmond...)
7. Nesting mode may be starting. I seriously want to decorate/paint/pretty-up our house just a bit. I'm starting to flip through things and pinning them to my boards. (For example, isn't this tile beyond gorgeous--- probably not happening here, but so lovely). I really need to pick a paint color for the central area of my house, but can't seem to get over that hump into imagining how I want it to be.
8. Have you read about the traveling red dress project that the Bloggess is doing? I think it is fabulous and so does Forbes. (You can read their review here).
9. More pregnancy induced crying this week came from this adoption video (vial Kelly Moore) and this sad/beautiful story of joy in sadness (via Ali Edwards).
10. Upcoming projects include buying bunk beds and buying a larger car. We appreciate any thoughts on either. For bunk beds, we have been out looking and our criteria (Sarah starts cringing here as my furniture criteria does tend to get out of control)... anyway, we want wooden bunk beds, no more than 5 feet 9 in. tall, that preferably incorporate storage, and/or a desk/bookshelf combo. We'd "like" to not spend more than $1000 on beds or beds + dresser, which seems eminently doable, but also don't want them to fall apart. Where should we be looking?
Thanks for your help and for hanging with me through the many moods of pregnancy. I'll try to chill a bit this week and talk to you soon!
1 comment:
My pregnancy-related crying incident of the week: the ASPCA commercial about neglected animals with Willie Nelson singing "Always on My Mind." Andy didn't even have to look at me to see that I was crying, he just passed the kleenex.
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