1. So, perhaps I have asthma too? B, Audra, and my Mom all have asthma and I've been fighting these crazy lingering coughs every time I get the least cold. My Doctor is starting to be suspicious so now I have an inhaler of my own. Fun times, but I'll be quite glad to not spend all night coughing, if possible. (Yes, I have a lot of ailments now that I'm in my 30s... it is weird).
2. We had B's fifth birthday party on Saturday (the first of two versions of our celebrations). I am going to save pictures until after round 2, so there is some surprise for this weekend's attendees. I do want to say that my Mom and Sister swooped in and made this into the party I wanted for B in my dreams, but completely lacked the time, health, crafting skills, and vision to make. Their version was precisely my dream for him. I cried, several times over this. Attendees this weekend are going to get a scaled down version as I'll be on my own and the audience/celebration is a bit different, but I am so incredibly grateful for they gift they gave to me and to B this last weekend. Just so wonderful. (Ps, if you have to sneak a peak there are great photos on my sister's blog of some of the festivities).
3. Brent and I got to go on a little mini-date night last week at Kamp's 1910 Vineyard. I keep wanting to like the various parts of Kamp's, but keep walking away confused and a little disappointed. I did enjoy getting pretty and sitting chatting with my husband in quiet, even if just for an hour while Uncle Able played with the kids. These quiet times with my husband are key and we work diligently to make sure we have a date night or two a month out somewhere when we focus on us. I so love the relationship we have and how it strengthens who we each are individually.
4. Cute story about yesterday's ultrasound that I forgot to include yesterday: I picked Brent up at OSSM for the short drive to OU Physicians and he walked out holding two mini cupcakes -- 1 pink, 1 white with blue and yellow sprinkles. We each had one to celebrate the day and gender reveal. (Technically, they were left overs from an earlier party, but perfect for our reveal.)
5. I'm starting to think of ways to "refresh" the nursery for the new baby. I just cannot give up the tree mural so we're going to find ways to make it more of a garden with bugs and boy things, but I'm also finding myself very drawn to cloud themes this time. For example--- this Cloud Mobile which is similar to the butterfly mobile Maggie has there now, but a bit more boyish or maybe these paper clouds to replace the flower lanterns currently hanging from the ceiling. (I'm fairly certain Chrissie and I could make either or both relatively easily). We could mix in some bugs or hot air balloon type things for variety, perhaps. I like the raindrop look here too -- obviously sans ruffle. These clouds are also awesome and complete with lights! (Yes, I've been thinking about this longer than since we found out the gender yesterday).
6. My favorite thing I cooked this week was Diner Custard Pie from Nancy Baggett's The All-American Dessert Book
. I have yet to have a recipe of hers not be wonderful and highly recommend checking them out for a dose of history and context with your tasty treats. Otherwise, I'm hoping to try Smitten Kitchen's new Buttermilk Roast Chicken recipe when I'm well enough to focus on such things again. For the moment, I'm trying to brainstorm a main dish for celebration #2 -- that honors Brent, Brendan and Gavin....hmmmm.
7. Crafting--- So, I've done maybe three pages since my 8 on the 8th post. A bit of a slump there, but have been crafting away for birthday things and trying to go to sleep early. I am hoping to return to my creativity soon. The big CHA reveals are popping up everywhere and full of inspiration. This set of stamps from Studio Calico reminded me of my Dad, of all things, so I will have to buy the set and scrap a "Be the Change You want to See" / "Miss You" page--- the stamps are separate, just nested here and reminded me so much of him together that way. (For those not intimately familiar with grief, the weirdest things really are triggers. Luckily, scrapping is part of my personal therapy).
8. We had a fabulous time visiting with the Korenaks during their visit. I so wish my sister and I were neighbors. It is probably never going to happen, but it would rock. I miss her so much and love watching our kids and husbands "play" together.
9. Today was week two of mommy & Maggie gymnastics. M was awesome. She listened, did the circuits and only occasionally wandered off. She can do a forward roll by herself and was so brave with the zip line. The downside seems to be that in the evenings after gymnastics she is exhausted and there is lots of crying and not listening :(
10. The great room merger was also completed this week. They both seem to love their beds, but this has renewed M's attempts at constantly leaving her room, talking, and wandering around in her new space. It is driving us a bit batty (and I think B a bit nuts also) but hopefully she'll settle in soon? We still have a lot of work to make it look like their room as it still feels very boyish and I want it to have things both of them love, not just things B loves. We'll figure it out, I'm sure.
Here's hoping that before next Tuesday my coughing has calmed down and exercise and normal activity has returned to normal.
2. We had B's fifth birthday party on Saturday (the first of two versions of our celebrations). I am going to save pictures until after round 2, so there is some surprise for this weekend's attendees. I do want to say that my Mom and Sister swooped in and made this into the party I wanted for B in my dreams, but completely lacked the time, health, crafting skills, and vision to make. Their version was precisely my dream for him. I cried, several times over this. Attendees this weekend are going to get a scaled down version as I'll be on my own and the audience/celebration is a bit different, but I am so incredibly grateful for they gift they gave to me and to B this last weekend. Just so wonderful. (Ps, if you have to sneak a peak there are great photos on my sister's blog of some of the festivities).
3. Brent and I got to go on a little mini-date night last week at Kamp's 1910 Vineyard. I keep wanting to like the various parts of Kamp's, but keep walking away confused and a little disappointed. I did enjoy getting pretty and sitting chatting with my husband in quiet, even if just for an hour while Uncle Able played with the kids. These quiet times with my husband are key and we work diligently to make sure we have a date night or two a month out somewhere when we focus on us. I so love the relationship we have and how it strengthens who we each are individually.
4. Cute story about yesterday's ultrasound that I forgot to include yesterday: I picked Brent up at OSSM for the short drive to OU Physicians and he walked out holding two mini cupcakes -- 1 pink, 1 white with blue and yellow sprinkles. We each had one to celebrate the day and gender reveal. (Technically, they were left overs from an earlier party, but perfect for our reveal.)
5. I'm starting to think of ways to "refresh" the nursery for the new baby. I just cannot give up the tree mural so we're going to find ways to make it more of a garden with bugs and boy things, but I'm also finding myself very drawn to cloud themes this time. For example--- this Cloud Mobile which is similar to the butterfly mobile Maggie has there now, but a bit more boyish or maybe these paper clouds to replace the flower lanterns currently hanging from the ceiling. (I'm fairly certain Chrissie and I could make either or both relatively easily). We could mix in some bugs or hot air balloon type things for variety, perhaps. I like the raindrop look here too -- obviously sans ruffle. These clouds are also awesome and complete with lights! (Yes, I've been thinking about this longer than since we found out the gender yesterday).
6. My favorite thing I cooked this week was Diner Custard Pie from Nancy Baggett's The All-American Dessert Book
7. Crafting--- So, I've done maybe three pages since my 8 on the 8th post. A bit of a slump there, but have been crafting away for birthday things and trying to go to sleep early. I am hoping to return to my creativity soon. The big CHA reveals are popping up everywhere and full of inspiration. This set of stamps from Studio Calico reminded me of my Dad, of all things, so I will have to buy the set and scrap a "Be the Change You want to See" / "Miss You" page--- the stamps are separate, just nested here and reminded me so much of him together that way. (For those not intimately familiar with grief, the weirdest things really are triggers. Luckily, scrapping is part of my personal therapy).
8. We had a fabulous time visiting with the Korenaks during their visit. I so wish my sister and I were neighbors. It is probably never going to happen, but it would rock. I miss her so much and love watching our kids and husbands "play" together.
9. Today was week two of mommy & Maggie gymnastics. M was awesome. She listened, did the circuits and only occasionally wandered off. She can do a forward roll by herself and was so brave with the zip line. The downside seems to be that in the evenings after gymnastics she is exhausted and there is lots of crying and not listening :(
10. The great room merger was also completed this week. They both seem to love their beds, but this has renewed M's attempts at constantly leaving her room, talking, and wandering around in her new space. It is driving us a bit batty (and I think B a bit nuts also) but hopefully she'll settle in soon? We still have a lot of work to make it look like their room as it still feels very boyish and I want it to have things both of them love, not just things B loves. We'll figure it out, I'm sure.
Here's hoping that before next Tuesday my coughing has calmed down and exercise and normal activity has returned to normal.
1 comment:
That miss you stamp pretty well says it all doesn't it (way too early in the morning for tears but, oh well). Don't let the tree dictate the room because you know we can always paint another something else or add the tree to the new joined room on the south wall (or the north). It would make B's bed seem like a tree house in a way. I think if you leave the nursery lavender, Maggie will have a harder time letting it go, but that's just a thought. I like the clouds. Audra and I had another element for the yard but had to leave it out. I could come down and add it this time if you would like. It is a giant question mark run through tunnel. I have the stuff.
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