1. Last week it felt like my body just imploded. There was the coughing without ceasing, which led, perhaps inevitably, to the costochondritis relapse, and a total of three Doctor appointments for me during the week. Treatment options are limited while I'm pregnant and by Saturday night my arm was in a sling (long story). The good news is, that by late Sunday I was doing much better and even can sleep lying down now. (Aw, the little things).
2. My husband has started regaling friends with the list of "stuff" that is at any given time part of my sleeping routine at the moment. It is pretty hilarious, so for posterity, it might include at any given time: night splints (although my feet are a bit better), heating pad on my clavicles, cool mist humidifier, up to 4 pillows, cough drops, burts bees lip balm, an inhaler, more shoes next to the bed, water, lotion, and much coughing. Yes, it is a very good thing I'm already pregnant as I not a particularly attractive companion just now. That said, most of that list has already been cut from the roster so I'm sure things will be back to normal pregnant life soon.
3. We had our big triple birthday party on Sunday. It lasted most of the day and I loved every minute of it. The kids had a blast and I got to talk to plenty of grown ups too. My favorite parts beyond time with friends were the awesome cake the Palfreymans brought and my husband's presents. As some have heard, I gathered a team of "super friends" to secretly build a new computer for Brent. He had some hints at the present, but it was largely a surprise. I loved making it with some of our best guy friends and loved being with most of them during the reveal. So very cool!
4. Brent got to experience gymnastics with M today as I had a hair appointment that conflicted. It sounds like they both had a fabulous time. I am so glad we each get to share in the fun!
5. B still has a loose tooth, still loves Skylanders, and is increasingly independent in his LEGO block construction. One thing I'm loving about the LEGO block situation is that he is getting to be quite good at carefully following the instructions by himself, which is a great life skill as well as good fun.
6. I'm in the fun part of pregnancy now where every little kick is cool. I find that I adore those little movements and the idea of a new little one playing inside me. Sunday, Brent even got to feel the kicks for the first time, which is always amazing. The baby goes right to his Daddy's hand when we're talking at night. It is just so sweet. As you might expect I am lost at times in the likely "last time" nature of all of this, and trying to savor and enjoy the little movements while knowing in the back of my mind that they will grow big and less comfortable later.
7. Tonight, I sent B out with Uncle Able to the movies perilously close to B's bedtime. It felt a little reckless, but B was very excited and I doubt much harm will come from one blown bedtime. Uncles are good for unexpected fun. Here's hoping it all went well.
8. I'm in a crafting slump. I should and want to move those two feet to my crafting space, but it is such a disorganized disaster that it just makes me tired to think about it. I know I will like it when I do, but lately I've read or slept instead. I'm sure when the time is right I'll mosey back over there. If nothing else, I'm sure I'll need the craft therapy after my trip to DC next week.
9. It was an astonishingly beautiful day today. I think we may be fooled into forgetting that it is really winter. I keep expecting that wild snow storm to follow one of these windy days, but so far it is strangely mild...odd, but welcome for the moment. (Somehow, I think I will be less welcoming when the summer is a few degrees warmer too....)
10. Book Thoughts: Our book club book for February is Ready Player One
by Ernest Cline. As soon as I realized it was going to be another "dystopian future" book, I was all set to not like it as I have had my fill with bleak visions of the future. I ended up truly enjoying it. Jennie and I both, I hear, felt the need to share parts of it with our gamer husbands as the story winds it way through both the future and 80s pop culture. It was fascinating with a good, if somewhat predictable, lesson at the end. It was not a book I would have picked, but am very glad I got to read and share.
I go back to my OB for my monthly appointment tomorrow and hope that this week is much calmer and that maybe I can resume some normal exercise beyond the stationary bike attempt yesterday and one DVD opportunity last week before the chaos broke out. A girl can hope, right?
2. My husband has started regaling friends with the list of "stuff" that is at any given time part of my sleeping routine at the moment. It is pretty hilarious, so for posterity, it might include at any given time: night splints (although my feet are a bit better), heating pad on my clavicles, cool mist humidifier, up to 4 pillows, cough drops, burts bees lip balm, an inhaler, more shoes next to the bed, water, lotion, and much coughing. Yes, it is a very good thing I'm already pregnant as I not a particularly attractive companion just now. That said, most of that list has already been cut from the roster so I'm sure things will be back to normal pregnant life soon.
3. We had our big triple birthday party on Sunday. It lasted most of the day and I loved every minute of it. The kids had a blast and I got to talk to plenty of grown ups too. My favorite parts beyond time with friends were the awesome cake the Palfreymans brought and my husband's presents. As some have heard, I gathered a team of "super friends" to secretly build a new computer for Brent. He had some hints at the present, but it was largely a surprise. I loved making it with some of our best guy friends and loved being with most of them during the reveal. So very cool!
4. Brent got to experience gymnastics with M today as I had a hair appointment that conflicted. It sounds like they both had a fabulous time. I am so glad we each get to share in the fun!
5. B still has a loose tooth, still loves Skylanders, and is increasingly independent in his LEGO block construction. One thing I'm loving about the LEGO block situation is that he is getting to be quite good at carefully following the instructions by himself, which is a great life skill as well as good fun.
6. I'm in the fun part of pregnancy now where every little kick is cool. I find that I adore those little movements and the idea of a new little one playing inside me. Sunday, Brent even got to feel the kicks for the first time, which is always amazing. The baby goes right to his Daddy's hand when we're talking at night. It is just so sweet. As you might expect I am lost at times in the likely "last time" nature of all of this, and trying to savor and enjoy the little movements while knowing in the back of my mind that they will grow big and less comfortable later.
7. Tonight, I sent B out with Uncle Able to the movies perilously close to B's bedtime. It felt a little reckless, but B was very excited and I doubt much harm will come from one blown bedtime. Uncles are good for unexpected fun. Here's hoping it all went well.
8. I'm in a crafting slump. I should and want to move those two feet to my crafting space, but it is such a disorganized disaster that it just makes me tired to think about it. I know I will like it when I do, but lately I've read or slept instead. I'm sure when the time is right I'll mosey back over there. If nothing else, I'm sure I'll need the craft therapy after my trip to DC next week.
9. It was an astonishingly beautiful day today. I think we may be fooled into forgetting that it is really winter. I keep expecting that wild snow storm to follow one of these windy days, but so far it is strangely mild...odd, but welcome for the moment. (Somehow, I think I will be less welcoming when the summer is a few degrees warmer too....)
10. Book Thoughts: Our book club book for February is Ready Player One
I go back to my OB for my monthly appointment tomorrow and hope that this week is much calmer and that maybe I can resume some normal exercise beyond the stationary bike attempt yesterday and one DVD opportunity last week before the chaos broke out. A girl can hope, right?
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