Thursday, February 2, 2012

1 Lost Tooth!

I can't believe we're here already--- Today, B lost his first tooth!  It has been loose for about two weeks.  During this time, Brent has been occasionally offering to pull it out.  I have been trying to not be ill at the sight of a loose tooth.  B has been wiggling it with great glee and showing it to anyone who will look.  M has been trying to convince us to pull out her teeth too.....

Tonight after dinner, Brent tried again by grabbing it with the cloth napkin and out it came.  There was some bleeding, but not a bit deal.  B was complete calm and excited about the whole thing.  He wanted his picture taken immediately, but we convinced him to rinse out his mouth a few times for you first.  The very next thing was a frantic search for the tooth fairy pillow I bought last week.  It was finally located and is now awaiting a visit from the tooth fairy.  

I literally seems like yesterday that we were watching teeth come in.  I know it was 4.5 years ago, but as I was pondering earlier today, time flies.  

Congratulations dear boy.  I'm so excited for all the new wonders you experience, even if they involve teeth!
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1 comment:

Debra Dotter Blakley said...

Glad it was such a positive and celebratory event for everyone. I think you should have taken the picture with the blood except that someone might have turned you in for abuse....probably a good call. Hope the fairy comes tonight with a surprise. Give old Toothless Sam a hug from me.


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