July 10, 2012 - 4 Weeks old
July 12, 2012 - Hooray! One Month old with is bear buddy.
Hooray! We made it to the one month mark. In looking at the last picture, I actually think he is getting a bit chubbier - see those cheeks? I "think" we'll try taking a picture with him and his bear buddy each month through the year for size comparisons. Meanwhile, here are some thoughts on the last 10 days or so and the month overall.
Sleeping: I was reading M's one month post for ideas of things to record and it seems little brother is in the same sleeping boat. Until last night, he had been fairly regular at 3 hour slots usually roughly 10:30, 1, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30. There was one night with five hours at the farm and more with 3-4 hours if we let him sleep on us for that section of the night. Last night, however, felt like my memories of newborn sleep. There was no pattern and he just wouldn't really settle in at all, even sleeping on my chest. Maybe he needs more to eat or is growing or something. He didn't always complain much, but at least once when I checked on him he was just laying awake in his bed?? Brent was sick so I was the only one on duty all night and it was a long night.... He is taking cat naps today, rather than longer ones. I can't say I'm liking the change, but suspect it will be short lived.
He does sleep better when he is very warm so we swaddle him up with two blankets and PJs at night and try to have his afternoon nap in the hot part of the day.
Eating: We are still nursing about 7 times a day and getting bottles after feedings increasingly often. He is now usually drinking 3- 4oz of formula, which seems to be about as much as M was drinking at this point...which makes me wonder how much he is actually getting from breastfeeding..hmmmm... I do still like the closeness of it and the guaranteed time together. We shall see how that progresses, but it is already past our time with M! (In a random aside, M has started playing at breastfeeding her babies, which is a new and different sort of play here).
Size: He is now ready for size 1 diapers (which M wore from her first moments) and I think starting to be ready for 0-3 month clothes (rather than newborn). The newborn ones are just starting to stretch taunt in some instances so no rush, but seems to be growing.
Activity: Mostly he still eats, sleeps, and dirties diapers (as our pediatrician is fond of saying), but he is spending more and more time alert and looking around. He spends a fair bit of this in his gym or his chair in the kitchen or sometimes in a car seat or Moby if we're out and about. He seems to be tracking a bit with his eyes and grasps things like fingers or toys sometimes. He has even rolled over once or twice when he has been put on his tummy in just the right position.
Smile: I swear that yesterday I saw him intentionally smile twice in a row in response to my smiling at him... but I might be crazy.
Baby Gadgets: Our favorite things in baby land so far are surprisingly things new to us this time around. Particularly, the awesome aden + anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets
We're still trying to settle on a prefered pacifier, but at the moment Soothies Siblings: The kids are awesome with E. They fetch burp cloths, pacifiers, blankets, diapers, etc... B feeds bottles on occasion, and M adores playing with E--- maybe too much. They both love making new discoveries about him and seem to find him very entertaining. That is not to say there are not "issues". B has had a couple melt down moments, particularly early on, but again more recently at the farm and splash pad-- not sure they are directly tied to E, but possibly. M is in a big "no" phase. She is a bit better when she gets her naps, but really a challenge on the listening front. Generally, I think they are doing their best and we're all adjusting. Big Picture: I am still struggling to figure out how to balance all the competing needs and interests. I This will probably continue forever...sigh. I love having three kids and the fascinating dynamics of it all. I completely adore my tiny little man and all of our snuggles, even last night when I really wished he were a bit sleepier or today when we had the most epic diaper failure I've ever experienced about 10 minutes before guests were set to arrive. Brent and I are content at three. I think this is as big as our family will group (Brent is even more sure still). I'm still adapting to being a mom of boys (plural) and finding it key that M and I get some dedicated one on one girl time each day. Often this is dress-up, tea party, book time or imagination time or maybe a shopping outing alone to Target. The boys usually play video games or read books together during this so it works out well. The transition has been better because Brent has been here so much and so gradually eased back into his working times. It has also been nice to have lots going on so I haven't had the sense of being stuck here alone much, which is important for me. There is still a lot of time for things to get overwhelming or too crazy, but most of the time we've been doing well aside from the expected frustrations. It has been weird, but wonderful to have all of us together so much this summer and I suspect is a gift we'll miss in future years. Thanks to E for giving us this summer to connect in new ways and enjoy being together as a family of five. Happy first month little guy, we love you. |
Thursday, July 12, 2012
E @ One Month!
Summer Fun
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