Today putting this together went super quickly! This was a good day to reflect on how blessed we were. The day began with me watching B hand his bus driver the small gift we had for him and seeing this elderly gentleman's face light up. I loved it. He waved to me and thanked B. Suddenly, all these many gifts we're giving began to transform from a task list into a recognition of how blessed we are to have all these people in our lives. A bit later, with a tiny bit of nudging, Lady M decided to make bracelets for all of her classmates, teacher, and the lady who lead her school as well as many members of our family. She made them one after the other and packed them into her back pack. At school, she gave them to Ms. Roxy & Ms. Rawan first and, again, their faces lighted up. They gave her big hugs and thanked her so much for making these for them (Yes, we gave them hot chocolate too, but I think they liked the special bracelet more in that moment). Then, Lady M proceeded to carefully distribute bracelets to her classmates. It was lovely to watch. In the evening, she and B worked together on beading necklaces while wearing the bracelets she made earlier. (I, of course, wore mine all day). While they worked on the beading I finished up tags and packaging for teacher's gifts. Yes, we have a lot of teachers to thank. But today, that just means we're lucky to have so many blessings in our lives.
(Crafting note - the ornament design with the blessings circle was adopted from Ali's Day 12).
This means I'm up to date, but also have posted a lot in the last few hours. Here are the recent posts in case you missed one:
Day 15: Ballet
Day 16: Prepare
Day 17: Books!
This means I'm up to date, but also have posted a lot in the last few hours. Here are the recent posts in case you missed one:
Day 15: Ballet
Day 16: Prepare
Day 17: Books!
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