Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1.  Work is just wildly outside of its bounds right now.  In good news, at least part of a project I've been working on since roughly January launched today... In less good news, at least three or four parts of the launch left to go.

2.  We went to Unpluggits today as part of our end of summer rush of fun things.  We have been many times, but I have never seen this many people, this many pregnant mommies, this many infants, this many two year olds, etc... SO many people and SO noisy (plus me still following my work issues on my blackberry).  I left with a raging headache and completely exhausted.  Kids say it was great fun...

3.  I stopped to get caffeine on my way to Ms. Kim's house.  In case I haven't mentioned it, Bean Juice in Edmond makes the best mochas ever - I don't even drink them anywhere else (For locals, it is across from Crest so roughly Santa Fe and 15th). I also bought coffee as we used all of ours over the weekend and apparently I'm going to need some help to get through my work week.

4.  Since moving back to OK, at least one afternoon a week B has always been home sleeping and playing while I work.  I adore getting to tuck him into naps and talk to him during these times. I love knowing he is asleep safely nearby.  I am often driven nuts with questions about whatever when I need to work.  I am mourning that in less than two weeks this ends as he heads to Pre-K five days a week.  He, meanwhile, is super excited, obviously.

5.  Exercise went better this week.  Able's gentle running help and Mary's stretching guidance seem to have gotten me over my slump of last week (thank you!) I am surprised at how long I can run now (not very for a real runner, but good for me).  I am hesitant to see how much longer the runs will be in week 5 as I definitely struggle at this length already, but pushing forward.  Zumba, meanwhile, is awesome as ever- I supplemented with the Wii version on Sunday as missed the live class for M's party. Glad to complete week 4 of 6 day a week exercise today.

6.  Sprinkler system is in - and I love it. Platform bed has arrived.  I attempted to pick out storm doors over the weekend.  I find myself a bit unsure whether to push that forward as I'm not convinced I really "like" them, but does anyone really like their storm doors? Meanwhile, Storm Shelter installation is scheduled for October 27 -- yes, the wait list is that long!

7. I, for one, do not have any road trips on my immediate agenda, but thought you all might like this prepping for a road trip post from Stephanie (mom to four little girls and a great inspiration generally).

8.  As mentioned previously, I'm a big fan of Shimelle's and this weekend she is hosting a free scrapbooking event.  You can read more and join us here. Right after that, Big Picture Classes free Big Idea Festival starts.  This was great last year so I'm really looking forward to both.

9.  In exciting news, we have set up plans for Jessie, Jennie, Chrissie and I to go to the Tulsa Creating Keepsakes Convention on August 19-20th.  Chrissie and I had a great time last year.  If any of you would like to join us just let me know and I can give you a break down of our plans. We'd love to see you!

10.  These pizza bites were, arguably, the favorite non-cake recipe from the weekend parties. (The maple bacon chex mix was quite popular too, of course). I hope you like them too and I'll have more birthday/party fun in the next few days. 

Happy Tuesday!

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